Page 79 of Corrupted Seduction

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His hands were on my hips, his fingers digging in deep. I’d never felt so confined, everything in me narrowing in, focused on that one spot where we were connected.

I couldn’t move. I couldn’t writhe. I couldn’t claw out some of the energy that was building so fast it had me breathless and made my head spin with the intensity of it.

I was moaning loudly; I could hear it in my ears and feel the vibrations in my throat.

His muscles were tense; even the muscles in his neck stood out as he fucked like an animal, primitive and so bloody good.

“Oh, god, yes,” I cried as the coil inside me wound up tighter and tighter.

“Come,perla.Now,” he commanded.

And my body obeyed.

“Amadeo!” I screamed as the most exquisite explosion started between my thighs and spread out until I felt it tingling in my fingertips.

I didn’t think it was possible, but he fucked me even harder as the ripples of my orgasm rocked through my body and made my pussy grip him tight, over and over again.

“Fucking Christ,” he groaned loudly as he thrust once more and his cock swelled inside me and he rocked through his own release.

He remained there for a moment, looking down at me. In the aftermath, it should have been uncomfortable, but it wasn’t.

Eventually, he slid out of me, leaving my body feeling empty. Without a word, he ditched the condom and unfastened the belt, then he threw on his boxer briefs.

He was leaving, I figured. He’d gotten what he’d come for.

“You made me work up an appetite. I’m going to raid your fridge,”he said, surprising me.

I laughed, taking time to find my robe and throw it on as he left the room. When I followed him out a moment later, he already had four pieces of freshly sliced bread on his plate, as well as slices of cheese, lettuce, and the leftover chicken from my fridge. He was currently stacking them up in tall layers.

“Is one of those for me?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

He looked up at me with genuine surprise. “Do you want one?” he asked, reaching for the loaf of French bread.

I shook my head, laughing. “It’s a wonder your family hasn’t gone broke trying to feed you.”

He grabbed the sash of my robe and pulled me toward him, untying my robe in the process.

“Just fueling up,perla,”he said as his eyes grazed over the flesh he’d revealed with renewed intensity.

“Fueling up for what, exactly? A month-long fast?”

He chuckled, then nodded to the food spread out on my small countertop. “I suggest you fuel up too because the minute I’m done, I’m planning to use that hot cunt again.”

“Are you?” I shook my head. “I’m afraid I can’t stay up all night having sex. Some of us have work in the morning.”

Apparently, it was his turn to shake his head. “There you go being all prim and proper again,” he said. “You’re just sealing your fate.”

I was?

“Call in sick,” he said like it was of no concern.

“I’m not going to do that, Amadeo. My work is important to me.”

“And making you scream is important to me,” he said with every bit as much solemnity. But his gaze met my unwavering one, and he sighed after a moment.

“Fine. Get naked.” He nodded to my robe which was no longer covering much.

“I need sleep, Amadeo, I—”
