Page 94 of Corrupted Seduction

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“You’ve spent some time in my world,perla; you know I can do anything I want.”

“Look around, Amadeo,” she said, motioning around us. “We’re not in your world; we’re in mine.”

The woman really had no clue if she thought she wanted something more than this.

“You don’t want a relationship with me,” I said as I took the hand she’d been waving around and pinned it over her head. “The control I want—it isn’t an act. It’s what I am.”

I let go of her hand and grazed my fingers down the soft flesh of the inside of her arm all the way to her shoulder, then toward her throat, laying my fingers around it.

“That’s fine in small doses; you get your rocks off on a man who can overpower you, who has no problem doing what he damn well pleases with your body for a couple of hours, carefully slotted into your late-night schedule.”

I squeezed lightly, feeling the pulse of her carotid artery beneath my fingers.

Her breath came harder, emphasizing the rise and fall of her naked chest.

“Trust me,perla,you don’t want more.”

When I released her throat and let my fingers graze lower, I could feel the tiny tremors coursing through her body.

She licked her lips. Swallowed.

“I don’t think you know me well enough to tell me what I do and don’t want, Amadeo.”

“That’s not entirely true,” I said, waggling my brows as my gaze swept over her body, which I’d come to know rather well.

When she opened her mouth to object, I shook my head.

“I know that family is more important to you than money,” I said, all at once realizing just how much I did know about her. “I know that you can’t stand to see people suffer—that’s why you helped Aurelio. I bet it factors into why you became a doctor. I know that when you make an oath, you take that seriously. And I know that despite the shit life has thrown at you, you’re not jaded; you’ll still look beneath a criminal’s surface and see the good in him.”

“I’m not sure thereisany good in you,” she said with an uncomfortable little laugh. She’d paled a little as I spoke. I don’t think she realized she’d revealed so much either.

“Maybe not, but you saw good in Aurelio.” I laughed. “You’ve got the old man wrapped around your finger. Vito too,” I said, not sure how I felt about the effect she had on my men.

Her brow furrowed. “Which one’s Vito?” she asked.

I smiled. “Big man. Shiny, bald head.”

Recognition dawned in her eyes. “You had him bring me home… that night.”

I nodded. I’d intended to have Vito take her home and then never see her again. So much for that plan.

She sighed, and for the first time, looked away, staring up at the speckled ceiling above us.

“After my parents were murdered, every criminal fit in a neat and tidy box in my mind.” She shook her head, and the furrows across her brow deepened. “But Raven, she doesn’t fit there. Neither do Aurelio, the women tonight… and you.In a very short amount of time, you’ve managed to change the way I see the world. But that doesn’t benefit me in any way. It doesn’t make me better at my job or fill any holes in my life. So, I can’t help but wonder,” she went on, turning her head to look at me now, “in what other ways might you influence the way I think, Amadeo? All for this ‘carefully slotted couple of hours’ that will never be anything more than what it already is?”

“I told you; you don’t want more.”

“How can you be so sure of it?”

That one was easy. “Because while you’re lying here telling me all this deep shit, I’m picturing you on your knees with your hands tied behind your back and a vibrator in your cunt.”

Her lips parted and her breathing deepened.

“I’m imagining setting it to low, just enough to keep your body reaching for an end that won’t come. I’d shove my cock between your lips,” I said, circling them with my index finger. “I’d fuck your mouth and come down your throat.” I ran my fingers down the smooth column. “And then I’d sit back and watch you suffer.”

She blinked slowly.

“And I’d love it,” I continued. “I’d love every second of hearing you moan and beg. I’d love watching you get so frustrated that it makes tears trickle down your cheeks.”

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