Page 17 of Tangled Deceit

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But why have I missed him? Where have I been?

I try to think of the last thing I remember. I was in the apartment. He was fighting intruders while I was locked safely away with a gun.

Wait… Someone showed up. He said he was going to take me to Justine.

Hands cup my cheeks, and I can finally open my eyes. Luca’s face is right in front of mine, tension lines around his eyes and mouth. “Raven?”

“Luca,” I say, but the single word burns through my throat and comes out rough.

Another man appears next to him, blond and wearing a charcoal-colored shirt. “Ms. Danes, how are you feeling?”

“Like I was hit by a train,” I manage to rasp, my voice raw and foreign to my ears. “Why does it hurt to talk?”

“You just need some water,” the stranger says, then adds, “Luca.”

Luca’s stare turns menacing. “I’m not leaving her.”

The man I assume is a doctor sighs heavily, but steps away without argument.

“What happened?” I ask. “Vin took me, and I can’t remember anything else.”

Luca's expression turns grim. "Nothing else? Not where you were or who hurt you?"

Closing my eyes, I delve into the memories, grasping at fragments that threaten to slip through my fingers. Grass, pain, fear, a kind woman. I push harder, reaching further back, attempting to regain a sense of normalcy from before my world unraveled.

I shake my head as the other man returns, and he says, “Let’s try to get you sitting up a little more so you can drink this.” He moves behind my head, and I hear the whirring of a quiet motor as my head starts to rise. “I’m Doctor Thomson, and I’ve been taking care of you since Luca brought you back here.”

When he moves to face me again, I offer a smile and the thanks he probably hasn’t received yet, but likely deserves. I’m sure it’s not an easy feat being the doctor to a mafia king.

“You suffered a pretty severe concussion,” he says, “and your memory loss is likely your mind trying to protect you after your previous…panic.”

I glance at Luca whose face is filled with more tension than I can understand without knowing what happened. “What did I do?”

“Nothing that isn’t expected after what that bastard put you through.” His words are terse, but his touch on my arm is as gentle as ever.

“Who? Vin?” The more time that passes, the more annoyed I’m getting at not remembering.

Just as I think Luca is going to tell me, the doctor places a hand on his shoulder.

“She might need more time to heal before rehashing anything,” he explains. “If she’s not remembering, there’s a reason.”

Luca ignores him, though, and keeps his focus on me. “If you really want to know, I can fill in what I learned while you were gone, but only if you’re sure.”

The grim look on Dr. Thomson’s face is the only reason I give any hesitation, but still, the unknown is going to drive me mad.

“Tell me.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, the doctor reaches for a syringe. “It won’t be as strong as before because you’ve healed more, but if you lose control over your actions, I’ll be forced to give you another sedative for your own protection.”

I nod with understanding as Luca glares at the poor man who’s only trying to do his job of keeping me safe.

When my gaze meets Luca’s again, I take a steadying breath, eager to know what the hell has been going on.

“Titan Moretti had you for three days,” he starts, but I don’t hear anything else after that name.

The face of that monster inserts itself front and center in my mind. The way he stared down at me as he beat me, uncaring that he’s actually…my father.

Oh, God.
