Page 11 of Hate Me Like You Do

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A small moan escapes my lips as he tugs gently then drops his face down to trail some more drenching wet kisses even lower. Just before he tries to let his tongue lap out against my stomach one more time my ears perk to the sound of footsteps and chatter.

Oh no.

There isn’t time for me to cover up or time to push Damon off of me, no time to play it off as if he really was here to help me with something.

There. Is. No. Time.

The door bursts open, and the laughter that had begun abruptly stops. Reed, Landon, and Knox stand staring with various looks of shock. Knox is the first to pull himself back together and his jaw clenches tightly.

“Fuck.” Damon rolls off of me and stands up ready to make a run for it, bulge on full display beneath his jogger pants.

It’s smaller than Reed’s, I think with a sigh.

I can’t meet their gazes as I frantically pull my bra back over my chest and lunge for my shirt. Though I can’t tell if any of them are actually looking at me now or if they’re still staring a hole right through Damon’s head.

With the single ounce of courage I have I look up at them. Knox is red in the face, Landon looks utterly appalled, and Reed’s eyes are locked on mine.

“Damon fucking Sienna,” Reed growls. “What the fuck are you doing in this room?”

Damon holds up his hands in defense. “She was begging for it. She told me you were all gone and so much shit about wanting her bed rocked.”

“Practice ended early today,” Knox says in a hushed, eerily calm tone. A tone that sends a shiver down my spine with cold fear.

I pull my shirt over my head with shaky hands. I sure as hell won't have time to lose my virginity before school starts now.

The V-card mission has been sadly postponed and I'm not sure if it'll ever happen now.

“Get out of my house.” Knox lifts his violent attention to his neighbor but his words are spoken so rationally, so controlled.

Damon doesn’t fight it, doesn't care to argue or give me another glance. He quickly slides past the three guys, trying to keep as much distance as he can as he goes, not that Landon lets him, jarring his shoulder into him as he maintains raging eye contact the entire time.

Then they turn on me. And I feel like a child being scolded by her parents.

That hasn’t happened to me before. My mother was always too high to care what I actually did.

Is this what someone’s disappointment feels like? I've never been on the receiving end before.

“Damon fucking Sienna. That's what gets you off?” Reed spits, his voice exasperated.

“Were you going to have sex? In Knox’s bed?” Landon's lip has been curled back, his dark eyes narrowed behind his sleek glasses since the very moment he made the unfortunate mistake of stepping foot in this room.

I swallow. Technically it’s my bed too. “What does it matter what I planned on doing? It couldn’t be any worse than what I’ve seen of the three of you this summer. Don’t think I forgot about the twin redheads who didn’t even speak English. You literally couldn’t even talk to them and you still had sex with them, Reed.”

Reed runs his hands through his hair, still watching me with complete outrage. In a whisper he says, “You were going to lose your virginity to Damon fucking Sienna.”

“Why do you keep saying his name like that?” I drag my hands down my face. This is bad. This is so unbelievably bad.

“Answer the question.” Knox glares, cold cutting tone still slicing through his rasping words.

Even with his calm aggression his voice still makes me shiver.

“That’s none of your business.”

“It’s my bed. It’s my house. It’s my business. You are my business, Vi.”

“We’re friends. You don’t own me.” I try and fail to keep the wave of emotion out of my voice but it tremors hard.

I glare and as I try to claim my ground, something in the way Knox looks at me changes.
