Page 96 of Hate Me Like You Do

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Is it clean enough? Does it smell funny? Does she think I lack personal taste in interior design?

What am I thinking?

I scan the space trying to see it from someone else's perspective. Simple beige bedding tucked in neatly with two pillows carefully laid down on top, a desk with open books, and pictures of my family. It’s not so bad. I feel like I look respectable.

“The question isn’t what else could it be. The question is: what is his game?” My gaze passes from Reed’s annoyed expression to Knox’s face with only the slightest twist of anger.

Dee’s blonde hair falls in messy waves over her shoulder. At most she looks indifferent.

“To take over the world?” She offers with a sly smile.

“Dee this isn’t funny.” Knox gives her a pointed stare.

She rolls her eyes. “Trust me, of all people, I know it’s not funny. But what else do bad guys try to do? What’s his motive?”

“Money?” I offer. Mr. Reyes has lots of money but you don’t get rich by spending it or not wanting more of it. You get rich by saving it, hoarding it, really. Until one day you maximize your income and lower your expenses enough to have a steady influx of wealth.

Knox shrugs, his gaze distant as he thinks.

The air in my room feels tight, the space restricting. No one else seems to feel it but I do. The weight of our problem feels awfully heavy on my shoulders at least. I’m smart enough I should be able to figure this out but I just don’t get it.

Frustration leaves me wringing my hands together. Dee slides from her seat walking towards me and pulls my hands apart.

“Stop doing that you’re going to end up ripping off one of your own fingers. You’re driving me mad.”

The small grazing touch sends goosebumps up my arm. Reed watches the exchange plucking an imaginary hair from his shoulder. Knox props his head on his fist his eyes fixed on Dee. She smiles at me easily. As if we aren’t trying to figure out how to straighten out the shit show that has become her life.

“Do you think he wants her to take over some part of his business?” Reeds statement is hopeful.

“No,” Knox begins. “No offense but I’m pretty sure he wants to give me that god awful role. Fuck, the second the old man croaks I’m liquidating the business and running as far away as possible.”

“What does he even do?” Dee asks.

He… works. Somewhere. Why don’t I know where he works? Her questions seems more valid as I try to recall one time I’ve ever heard where he actually works. The man comes and goes with his briefcase. He doesn’t wear any insignias and his checks merely say his name.

We all turn to look at Knox. He frowns.

“Hell if I know. He hasn’t gotten to that part of my grooming yet. I suppose whatever it is it has to do with some very illegal money laundering. Also, likely murder.”

The room stays quiet. Everyone fixating on Knox and what he just said.

“What? You lot were thinking it. Let’s not pretend like we don’t all know the same thing. That we don’t all know who has blood on their hands.” He holds his shoulders straight, looking us all right in the eye. Unafraid of what he is, he watches us as if giving us the chance to decide to run out of the room or to strike him down.

Eventually, his gaze drops after he gives us each a hard stare. His hands rotate in front of him until he gingerly tucks them behind his back. Regret is a hard feeling.

“So what the fuck are we supposed to do?” Reed crosses his arms over his chest and leans into the wall.

Dee hovers near me. I let her sweet scent distract me.

“Clearly, we should do something.”


My fingers reach up tracing the skin just where her shirt sleeve ends. Dee says nothing but leans closer. So I don’t stop.

Reed meets my eyes his own attention falling from me to my hand. His shoulders slump a little making me feel as though I should drop my hand. I draw a new line down the length of her arm. Over and over and over again.

“He’s using her.” Knox presses his fingers into his temples. “We are so stupid.”
