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Like covering his coach’s car in shaving cream for a senior prank, without thinking about the permanent damage it would do to the paint job. Or that getting caught would put his graduation at risk. Until our parents made some calls and wrote a hefty check to the school to pay for the new uniforms that they wanted for the football team next year.

Dad patted me on the back. “Only because he didn’t make salutatorian like our girl did.”

“And they barely even let her speak.” Mom sniffed and shook her head.

It’d been five years since my high school graduation, and she sounded just as upset by the fact that they only gave me five minutes when the valedictorian got ten now as she had back then. My mom wasn’t one to let things go easily…which was why it was probably for the best that Roman hadn’t truly been interested in me. Her head would most likely explode if my first boyfriend was a biker.



I was in a shit mood after Layla practically ran away from me. I’d almost chased her just to make sure she didn’t break an ankle from walking so fast in her stilettos.

However, I managed to push the urge away long enough to congratulate Karina and Lorelei. Then I stomped off to find my seat and brood, while planning how the fuck I was going to find my woman. I’d scanned the crowd several times but hadn’t been able to spot her.

“Rom, I need you to sit next to Lorelei’s mom,” Grey muttered, startling me since all of my attention had been on searching the crowd again.

“Why?” I asked, narrowing my eyes in suspicion. We all knew her parents hadn’t been happy about Lorelei’s choice of…pretty much everything. I’d only spent less than a minute in her presence when they arrived and already knew she was an obnoxious pain in the ass.

“Because you’re less likely to strangle her if she opens her fucking mouth.” I snorted, and Grey rolled his eyes. “I said less likely.”

“Fine,” I grumbled. I stood and shuffled over to the seat next to Janice. She glanced at me and raised her snobby nose in the air before turning to her husband.

She didn’t say much until Lorelei’s name was called, and she started walking across the stage. Every Silver Saint in the crowd stood, hooting and hollering in support of our girl.

That didn’t stop me from overhearing Janice when she complained. “This is so embarrassing, Steven,” she whispered loudly. Then she dropped her voice. “Our daughter is graduating from high school, and she’s pregnant. And married to that…that…”

“Outlaw?” I supplied with a smirk.

“It’s disgraceful!” she snapped, still ignoring me.

I would have laughed at what happened next, if my ears hadn’t hurt so damn much.

Lorelei pumped her fist in the air and yelled, “Watch out, this graduate has a baby on board!”

Janice’s scream of outrage was mostly drowned out from the noise of the cheering crowd. But since I stood right next to her, and she turned to face me when the wall of sound exited her lungs, my ears were ringing.

Luckily, Lorelei hadn’t heard her mom, and Grey was a few rows down from us. He whipped around, his face a mask of fury. I gave him a look and flicked my eyes toward the stage. The reminder that his attention should be on his old lady did the trick. He shot Janice one more scathing scowl, then climbed out of the row to meet his woman when she reached us and grabbed her up in a big bear hug.

The reaction was much the same—minus an outraged screech, which my ears were supremely grateful for—when Karina crossed the stage.

When the ceremony ended, I walked over to one side of the room and leaned against the wall. I watched intensely as the room emptied, trying to spot my woman. If only everyone’s shoes had been visible. I thought I found her a couple of times, but I couldn’t move through the throngs of people fast enough to get to her before she disappeared through the exit.

Finally, in a last-ditch effort, which I realized should have been my first, I hurried out to hopefully catch her at her car. Just my fucking luck, her vehicle was gone, and because I was a damn idiot, I hadn’t thought to grab her license plate number.

As I stalked to my bike, I comforted myself with the fact that Grey was one of the world’s best hackers. His road name came from his activities as a gray hat hacker. He would find her for me.

Back at the clubhouse, the party was in full swing. I didn’t want to pull Grey away from his woman and the celebration, but I was quickly losing patience.

Finally, a couple of the women, including Lorelei, wandered into the kitchen. Grey was about to follow her, but I blocked his path.
