Page 91 of Reckless Goals

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“How? When?” Fuck my brain was all over the place.

“I found out yesterday and had Ms. Hilda, down the road, make these shirts real quick. The words on mine will hit right at my stomach. I was going to wait until we didn’t have Mia to tell you, but I couldn’t wait that long. And as far as how…we will sign you up for a seventh grade science class. It will be okay.”

I smirked and shook my head at her. “I mean how is this possible?”

“Maybe you’re no longer recklessly trying to force it and all those goals you strived for are just happening at their own pace.”

“Are you okay? Are you ready?”

“I’m so ready. Rhys.” She climbed into my lap, the way I loved her to do, and ran her nose against mine. “We are going to be the best parents in the world.”

“Fuck, I hope so,” I sighed, suddenly nervous.

Ash kissed me, sweet and soft at first, but our kisses always turned hot and heavy. I stood up with her still in my arms and twirled her around, finally letting the excitement hit me. I was going to be a dad and there was only one thing I could think about beside how much I loved Ash.

“How small do they make cleats?”
