Page 99 of Twisted Assist

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"There we go, baby," I whispered. "Take all of it. Take whatever your body needs to get what you want."

Her arms wrapped around my neck, and I sat back down, holding her as tears started to come down her cheeks. It wasn't unlike her to shed a few tears after an orgasm, but her body started shaking in what I could tell was an actual cry.

Pulling back, I brushed the tears from her face and kissed her cheeks. Letting her cry but also showing her I was there.

When she calmed down, she stood up, disconnected our bodies, and walked toward the shower. Before I followed her, I pulled my phone up and planned, tapping a few things on my screen as quickly as possible. Then I followed her and held her in a shower, cleaning her entire body and caressing her in my arms.

As we returned to the kitchen a little while later, there was a knock on the door. She answered and accepted the delivery, then smiled at me as she held up my gift.

"That," I pointed out, "is a pregnancy test."

"I can tell," she laughed. "But I took one, remember?"

"No Coconut. You took the ovulation test. Crazy girl. Go take that one."

She contemplated whether that was a good idea because it would stir emotions up all over again. But sensitive nipples, fuzzy brain, incredibly emotional…call it a hunch, but something told me we had already made the baby we so desperately wanted.

"Fine," she shook her head, walking toward the bathroom. I could tell she was readying herself for disappointment, and I prayed I wasn't wrong about my idea to have her take the test.

Waiting patiently in the living room, I stared at the floor and rested my elbows on my knees. She was taking a while, and I realized she was waiting for the result by herself before she came back out.

After what felt like an hour, she stood in the doorway to the bedroom with more tears running down her face. Leaping up, I instantly regretted suggesting she take the test. Especially when she was already so emotional.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry!" I wrapped her in my arms, then scooped her up and held her close.

"No, Tripp. It was positive," she cried again. "I'm crying because I'm a crazy pregnant woman."

"What?" I nearly dropped her and had to sit down on the floor where we stood to grasp what she was saying.

"We are having a baby!"

On our knees in front of one another, I let sink in what I kind of already knew. We were having a baby. A little coconut.

"I need to call my mom," I breathed, excited to start spreading the word.

"And I need to call Colton."

"Then call your mom and dad."

"Wait!" she laughed, "Let's tell our family first."

She meant our chosen family—Rhys, Ash, Cruz, and Lily. We had all become so close over the last couple of years that we were exactly that: family. We had Sunday dinners, shared family vacations, and now three babies were on the way to bond us in a way soccer never would.

"You scored!" I snorted, still in shock.

"Well I mean," she laughed and patted my cheek. "You did a good job with the assist."


I always new Tripp and Tatum would have a wild side. I knew Tatum would have an ex and Tripp would want her more.

But when I wrote Hunter into Reckless Goals, I had no idea he would be Tatum’s ex. His name was originally Will, and when I realized he would have a larger role in Twisted Assist, I renamed him to Hunter and the rest of his interference rooted itself.

As for Tripp and Tatum, I wanted to bring a different personality than Rhys or Cruz, while still giving you those book boyfriend moments. There were some things about Tripp I still don’t know the answers to but I hope to revisit them one day and see how they’re doing! You just never know with me!

A few fun tidbits:

-In Reckless Goals, the girl Hunter is with at Rosa Sky is Tatum.

-In Scoreless Nights, when Hunter shows up at the club that Cruz and Tripp are at, that is when Tripp’s story began.

-All three books epilogues take place at the same game 1 year later. I pictured them all in that suite together, watching the game, each experiencing their own anxiety. Haha.
