Page 55 of Devil Within

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Hudson turns around and his eyes immediately fix on me, bringing the warmth back into my face.

There’s a dark, familiar look in his expression. The passionate kind he makes when he’s undressing me and it makes my legs go numb all over again.

“Sure.” He gets up from the bed and I stay still as he comes up behind me. “This looks more complicated than it should be.”

“Untangle the laces and then work your way up in a criss-cross pattern,” I explain to him.

I feel him push my hair away from my shoulders before he runs his warm fingers down my spine. A tingling jolt of desire shoots through me. Just one touch and he has me feeling all kinds of emotions.

“My family is incredibly close. Sometimes it annoys me,” Hudson says. “But family time is a must. We used to spend every holiday in the Bridgehamptons, whether it was Christmas or New Year’s Eve.”

“Used to?” I ask.

“Yeah.” He clears his voice. “Dad just got busier at work and Mom is now trying to get herself into the business world as well.”

“They sound amazing,” I tell Hudson. “I wish, I had a lot of memories with my parents, but my dad was always too busy and my mom never strayed far from her gossip circle or the country club.”

I vividly remember the days my parents would completely abandon me for lunch dates at country clubs and golf sessions. Sometimes, I think about it and feel like my father would have appreciated having a son instead and my mother probably would have wanted a socially confident daughter who always loved shopping extravagantly, who was obsessed with bubble tea, who had an aesthetically hot Instagram profile and a circle of fake friends with equally fake lives. I love them, but they aren’t parents of the year.

“And what about you?” Hudson asks, drawing me out of my thoughts.

“I spent a lot of summers with my grandparents in North Carolina, where I fell in love with historical romance books and decided that I wanted to become a writer. Summer there was always awesome.”

I can feel him tightening the laces now. “Would you ever want to go back to North Carolina?”

“When I graduate and if I’m tired of New York, I’ll definitely move. What about you?”

“I never thought about it. I never really plan things out,” Hudson says. “But who knows, maybe we could go to North Carolina together. All done.”

I turn around to face him and see a small smile curve across his lips. “Would you come to North Carolina with me?”

Hudson slips his arms around me and pulls me in closer, pressing his body into mine. “Why not? We could maybe get a cute house with the marshland all around us. Get away from everyone and everything.”

“We’d move in together?” I lift my head and stare up into his mesmerizing eyes.

“Of course.” He presses his forehead against mine and I let out a long breath, hoping that it would come true.

“You really mean it?” I ask.

Hudson kisses me, his lips locking on mine and his hot tongue seeking mine as his fingers went lower down my back. When he breaks away, I take in a deep breath.

“Does that answer your question?” he asks and I press my head into his chest, my insides exploding with happiness.


The Steakhouse


From the moment we walk into The Saylor’s Steakhouse, I already feel the anxiety creep into my bones.

It’s a glamorous ground floor steakhouse in the heart of Times Square with an elegant feel from the light cream and black interior.

There are several sparkling chandeliers hanging across the high ceilings. A classy bar with a glass top and a cabinet filled with new whiskey and tequila take up a small space of the steakhouse as Hudson and I walk in together.

The tables that line the white marble floors are kept simple with white tablecloths and shiny silverware.

“It’s beautiful,” I tell Hudson as we navigate our way in between the fancily dressed guests.
