Page 85 of Devil Within

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“You will let me go!” I snap. “I don’t love you.”

“Parker.” There are tears in his eyes as he walks towards me. “I love you, please. I’m begging you.”

“Open the damn gate!” I shout in frustration.

My head is already throbbing with a headache and I don’t feel very good right now.

Hudson stays silent for a moment and I finally think he’s given up when he just smiles.

“You want to be difficult? Fine, but I’m not letting you go. I’ll never let you go Parker and I don’t think you quite understand that yet,” he says before turning around and walking back into the house.

I stare after him completely in shock from his words and then the panic starts to set in.


Over Before It Even Began


I stand there for a long minute, breathing heavily, my shoulders shaking as I cry, not believing what I got myself into.

But I still need to get out of here, so I pull myself together, wipe my face as best as I can and go back into the house.

Thankfully, I can’t see Hudson anywhere. Is he with Stella right now? I quickly climb the stairs and make my way to his room.

When I push the door open it’s bathed in darkness, but I adjust my eyes to the dark and find my backpack and clothes lying on the floor. I grab everything and quickly stuff it into my bag and then find my phone in the bedside drawer.

I can’t believe how different things were just this morning when we were right here in his bed having sex. Feeling like I’m going to cry again, I continue with my task and go back downstairs, my eyes searching the crowd desperately.

Matt’s dark mop of hair with his wreath still on comes into view, so I push through the crowd until I reach him.

“Hey, Matt!” I grab his arm and he turns around to face me.

He frowns when he looks at me. “What happened to you?”

“I-I don’t want to talk about any of that right now. Can you please take me away here? I need to leave. Can you take me away from here?” I ask over the music.

“Are you sure? It’s late right now. I can take you in the morning if you want,” he says.

I shake my head. “No. I need to leave right now. Can you take me or not?”

“I can. Let me just grab my keys, okay?” He leaves me for a minute or two, so I continue to watch the crowd for any sign of Hudson.

He’s still nowhere to be seen. Matt comes back to where I am standing and pulls off the wreath from his head, before throwing it down on the ground. “Let’s go.”

We leave the house as quick as we can and head over to Matt’s Mercedes Coupe that’s just a few feet away from where we are.

Matt unlocks the doors and we climb in quickly. I haven’t even really thought this through, but I just need to get out of here and away from Hudson.

“Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?” Matt asks as he starts the car and the engine purrs to life before he reverses.

“I’m fine. I’m really sorry, Matt. I’d love to discuss everything with you, but not right now. I just can’t deal with Hudson,” I tell him as I sink back into my seat.

My body is exhausted from the day. I feel as if I’ve been in some horrible accident and now all I can feel is pain, physically and emotionally.

“Whatever he did, he can’t control it, Parker. As I told you before when we were younger, I got away from a lot and he took most of it,” Matt says, as we drive out through the gate.

“Well, if he has issues, then he needs to get it sorted out. I didn’t sign up for this,” I mumble.
