Page 151 of Fiorenzo

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Enzo, meanwhile, took in whatever passed over Fiore’s face with some alarm and quickly added. “If you’re willing.”

Not the answer nor the stipulation Fiore had expected. “Why shouldn’t I be willing?”

“I thought you might have…” Enzo trailed off, evidently searching for a kinder way to say what he wished. “Lost your desire for restraint. Given recent events.”

I thought the same of you, Fiore didn’t say. The reference to specificallyrecentevents, however, proved Enzo required a reminder. And so he said, as gently as possible, “I was tied up against my will long before we ever met.”

Enzo blinked. “Fair point.”

“So…” Fiore found he couldn’t continue whilst meeting Enzo’s gaze. His eyes fell to the hook in his hands. His knuckles clenched around it. “You wouldn’t mind taking orders from…” He held back the phrase that sprang to mind—a crippled coward—and instead simply asked, “…me?”

Silence reigned. Fiore’s heart hung in the balance. He fixed his gaze on the hook.

Then, beneath his own clenched fists, he saw Enzo hold out his hands, their palms upraised.

Fiore lifted his eyes to meet Enzo’s.

Though Enzo still stood over him, somehow the way he bowed his head meant his dark and solemn gaze by no means looked down upon Fiore.

“An order from your lips,” Enzo declared, his low voice rumbling through Fiore’s own ribs, “is both an honor and a privilege to obey.”

Fiore’s heart stuttered in his chest. Enzo had exceeded all his hopes once again. He wanted to kiss him. And yet… “On your knees.”

After all, he knew of no better reward for him than an order.

Enzo sank to the floor—without question, without hesitation, and with absolute devotion in the gaze he cast up at Fiore.

Fiore’s heart soared to see it. He forced himself to glance away long enough to open the false bottom and retrieve his riding crop. When he returned to Enzo, he found his beloved’s dark gaze fixed on the leather tongue, following its progress in undeniable anticipation.

“Are you willing to experiment?” Fiore asked.

Enzo’s pupils blew wide as his eyes flicked to meet Fiore’s. He nodded eagerly.

Fiore let slip the smile he’d bitten back. He held out the crop to Enzo.

After a moment’s confused hesitation, Enzo took it from him.

Fiore’s smile widened. “Will you hold that behind your back for me?”

The gleam of understanding lit Enzo’s gaze. Within two shakes of a sail his hands were clasped behind him tight around the crop’s handle.

“Well done,” Fiore purred.

A handsome rosy tint bloomed over Enzo’s sharp cheekbones.

Fiore shut his sea-chest and sat down on its lid. His thighs splayed open. He trailed his hand down his shirtfront, undoing waistcoat buttons as he went, until his fingertips landed on the fall-front of his breeches.

Enzo’s eyes followed him all the way down. They flicked back up to meet Fiore’s gaze when he paused. The hands clenched ‘round the riding crop never once loosed their hold.

Fiore grinned. “Would you care to taste me?”

Enzo’s scarred lip caught between his teeth. He nodded.

Fiore released his cock from his breeches. The sight of Enzo kneeling before him in perfect obedience had already raised him to a half-stand. Enzo gazed at it with unmistakable hunger.

“Make yourself comfortable,” Fiore told him, lest he assume pain was supposed to be part of this particular pleasure.

Enzo arranged himself between Fiore’s thighs. His grip on the crop never wavered. Even if Fiore weren’t already predisposed to be pleased with him, he had to admit the display impressed him. Many gentlemen who’d offered themselves up to him before couldn’t have done half so well. It certainly did a great deal towards raising his mast to full sail.
