Page 152 of Fiorenzo

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Fiore leaned back against the bed and draped his arms across the footboard. “You may begin.”

Enzo bowed his head. His scarred lips enveloping the head of Fiore’s prick felt divine as ever. Soft and gentle even in their barely-restrained hunger. Fiore gasped as the tongue slipped under him, guiding him inside the soft, wet heat of Enzo’s throat as he swallowed him down.

Fiore trailed his fingers through Enzo’s hair. Enzo shivered with pleasure beneath his touch. Fiore wrapped his fist in the raven locks and gave a gentle tug—reward rather than punishment. A deep moan, desperate for more, resounded from Enzo’s throat and through Fiore’s cock.

From this vantage point Fiore had an excellent view of Enzo straining against the crop behind his back. Not just the hands—though that would’ve sufficed for Fiore’s purpose—but the arms as well, muscles rippling beneath linen sleeves, shoulders trembling with the force of Enzo’s restrained desire, all his brawn pitted against itself.

Nor was it Enzo’s sole struggle.

Robbed of any ability to touch himself with his hands, he nonetheless persevered with ingenuity. Whilst his mouth did delightful and unspeakable things to Fiore’s cock, Fiore beheld Enzo rolling his own hips to the same rhythm of his bobbing throat, rubbing off inside his breeches with just the friction of the fabric against a cock obviously hard as adamant beneath the fall-front. The mere thought of Enzo ruining his drawers just from sucking his cock—Fiore bit his lip for restraint.

“You could spend without a touch, couldn’t you?” Fiore mused aloud once he’d regathered himself. “You wanton thing.”

Another choked-off moan reverberated around his cock.

Someday Fiore would’ve liked to test that theory. Today, however, his own desires proved too great to deny.

“Shall I be merciful?” Fiore asked. “Shall I fuck you at last?”

Enzo’s dark gaze shot up to meet his own. Ravenous. Pleading. Desperate. Fiore felt rather than saw his hard swallow.

“You may speak,” Fiore told him.

His cock slipped from between Enzo’s lips. Enzo regarded it like Tantalus gazing on an apricot plucked out of his reach. Yet when his eyes met Fiore’s, the resolve in their depths held firm.

“Fuck me,” Enzo begged. His hips jerked, seemingly of their own accord. “Please.”

Fiore grinned. “Give me the crop.”

Enzo relinquished it at once.

Fiore twirled it in his fingers. “Strip.”

Enzo leapt to do so. Fumbling with his waistcoat buttons. Frantic as he tore off his breeches. Shirt and drawers cast off, leaving him standing before Fiore in stockings and garters alone, his thighs gleaming with his cunt’s tide, a pearl of seed glistening at his cock’s slit.

Fiore likewise couldn’t stand another moment’s wait. “Straddle me.”

Enzo’s welcome weight settled onto Fiore’s thighs. Their blades crossed—slid against each other—Enzo’s cunt following in his cock’s wake, up Fiore’s length to the very tip—then Enzo’s hips rocked back, and he impaled himself on Fiore’s sword. A tremulous sigh of satisfaction escaped Enzo’s throat as he sank down onto Fiore. Fiore, for his part, buried his unseemly sounds in a bruising kiss to Enzo’s collar.

But when Enzo tried to roll his hips again, Fiore halted him with a hand on his waist.

Enzo stilled at once.

Fiore held up the crop. “Hold this.”

Enzo’s eyes flicked from Fiore to the crop with ravenous gaze. Reverently he accepted his charge and once again clasped it behind his back.

Balance would prove a touch more difficult now—but that was what trust was for, in Fiore’s opinion. He laid both palms on Enzo’s waist to steady him. “You may move.”

Slowly, tentatively, Enzo began fucking himself on Fiore’s cock. His pace increased with rapidity, and soon, finding he did not fall, he rode Fiore with reckless abandon.

Fiore, unable to restrain himself any further, embraced him. His arms clasped Enzo as tight as Enzo’s cunt gripped him in turn. Bruising kisses followed bites across Enzo’s collar. He dared to kiss his throat and felt as well as heard the debauched moan that escaped him in return.

Enzo’s cock remained trapped between them. Pearl after pearl emerged from it and smeared across Fiore’s abdomen. Fiore, on the brink of losing himself in his cunt, took Enzo’s cock in hand. Enzo shuddered in his grasp, his cunt rippling around Fiore.

“You’re doing so well,” Fiore crooned in his ear. “Come for me. Now.”

This, alongside a swift stroke of his wrist, sufficed to send Enzo over the brink. His seed poured over Fiore’s knuckles and drenched his blade besides. His cunt clenched in tandem with the pulsing of his cock in Fiore’s fist. Fiore seized an ample handful of his ass and with this leverage thrust hard into his quivering sheath. He spent, filling Enzo with his torrential tide, clasping him in his arms even as his cunt clasped him in turn, both gasping for breath as they drowned in their shared ecstasy.
