Page 54 of Orchestrated Love

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Still stunned at this happy turn of fate, Jax would willingly give Noah whatever he wanted. A quiet joy had been building in him since they made love that first time in Noah’s bed, and the hope that rode shotgun with it was filling the spaces he’d thought would remain forever empty when he’d turned Noah away over a decade earlier.

“There’s a regatta the next town over that we can catch if we leave as soon as my second class endsat noon.”

“I’ll make us a picnic lunch, then.” Jax hoped Jim would be home for Annie. He knew his friend would approve of this and want him to go with it.

“Sounds good.”

“I’ll pick you up at twelve thirty,” Jax continued. “Will your dad expect you home for dinner or can we go out that after?”

Noah laughed. “He’s been giving me some very broad hints about getting out of the house and being with my friends.” He rolled his eyes. “As if I have any friends left here. He means you, but he thinks he’s being subtle.”

Jax eyed him questioningly. “So he knows about us.”

Now it was Noah’s turn to send a questioning glance his way. “Is that aproblem?”

Jax shook his head immediately, understanding the answer to his statement was yes. “Not at all. I just didn’t know when you wouldtell him.”

“I had no choice really, because he’d apparently known all along and was just waiting for me to confess,” Noah said wryly. “I don’t know why I thought I could hide anythingfrom him.”

Jax chuckled. “Parents are like that. My dad could sniff out a lie like a dog can sniff out bacon.” He loved the hearty laugh that Noah gave. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.”

Leaning in, he dropped a quick peck on his lips before getting into his car and driving away, glancing back through the rearview mirror to see Noah watching him. The feelings warming him were almost overwhelming, but he tamped them down. He had a lot to do over the next two weeks, and people he needed to talk to, once he and Noah did. He whistled as he parked the car and took his duffle out.

The house was quiet when he got in. “Anyone home?”

Silence was his only response. He dropped his bag in his room and went to see where everyone was. No one was around and when he looked, Jim’s truck wasn’t in the garage. He pulled out his cell and noticed the message he’d missed. It had been sent half anhour ago.

[Jim: Annie’s in surgery. The boys are with the neighbors. Can you get them for me? I’ll call inan hour.]

Jax hurried next door where the twins were watching television but jumped up as soon as they saw him. He turned to the young woman who was holding a baby on her hip.

“Thanks so much, Carrie. I know Jim and Annie appreciate you stepping in to help. I’ll take these two off your hands now.”

Carrie smiled shyly at him. “It’s no problem, Dr. Knox. Jake and Jude are sweethearts, and they helped me with Timmy here when he was kicking up a fuss earlier.” She turned to the two of them with an even wider smile. “You’re gonna be such great big brothers,” she praised them. “Are you guys excited to meet your little brother or sister?”

“I hope it’s a sister,” Jake said, not answering herquestion.

“Me too. I hope she comes home soon,” Jude added.

Clearly, they weren’t unhappy with the thought of a new baby. Jax herded them towardthe door.

“Come on, you two. Let’s get you home and into bed. You’re gonna need your sleep when the little one comes home, and your mom’s gonna need your help.”

Jim called as he was tucking them into bed. He shut the light off in their room and went into the kitchen to takethe call.

“Hey, Jim, what’sgoing on?”

“They did an emergency C-section. The baby was breech and not doingso well.”

Jim’s worry leaked into his voice. Jax wasn’t sure what to say that wouldn’t be just a meaningless platitude. He had to try, though.

“Congratulations, man! I’m really happy for you. But why are you talking to me instead of being in there with Annie?”

“Her mom’s with her,” his friend said. “I stayed until the baby was born and saw that she was okay.” His breath hitched, but he paused as if to gather himself and then went on. “She’s so beautiful, Jax. I mean, the prettiest little thing you ever did see. But it took her a minute to holler like they wanted her to.” He chuckled a little. “Poor Annie’s exhausted, though. She fell asleep almost as soon as they put the baby on her chest.”

“I’m sure the baby will be fine, man. They both will be, and Annie’s gonna need you when she wakes up. You readyfor that?”

“Yeah. Worried, but ready.”
