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“Rugby,” Juliette says, at the same time that I say, “The election,” and we both laugh.

“Secrets, eh?” Alex says. “Would this be anything to do with Henry?”

“What?” Juliette turns scarlet. “No!”

Alex smirks.

“I’m here with Cam,” she snaps. “So you can keep those kinds of comments to yourself.” She walks off.

“Oops,” I say.

Alex pulls aneekface. “Think I touched a sore spot.”

“She’s been with Cam a long time. Probably best not to tease her about Henry.”

“Mmm.” He studies his glass, then finishes the cocktail in one gulp.

“I liked the poem,” I tell him.

“Took me all of five minutes.”

“Yeah, right. I’ve watched you write poetry. You take two hours just to decide whether to rhyme ‘moon’ with ‘June’ or ‘spoon.’”

That makes him laugh. “Yeah, okay.”

“I’m kidding, dude. It was a damn fine piece of work.” I sip my cocktail and take my life in my hands by adding mischievously, “Something tells me you’re going to be writing more romantic poetry in the near future.”

The rather gloriously named Mistletoe Macbeth came into Kia Kaha yesterday to talk to Alex and James about her son, Finn, taking part in the trial with THOR. She was gorgeous, with big dark eyes and dark hair pinned up in a bun. James introduced her to me and Henry on the way to Alex’s office. She’s been through a lot, and I wouldn’t have blamed her if she’d been the most miserable woman in existence, but she had the sunniest personality, a beautiful smile, and a gracious way of talking that made me like her immediately.

“She’s a glass half full kind of person,” he comments.

“Well, let’s lock her up, quick, before she spreads that bad behavior to other people.”

He meets my eyes, and his lips curve up, just a little.

“She must be something if she can bring a smile to your face,” I tease.

He just gives me a wry look, and I chuckle as he walks off.

Belle eventually appears again with Gaby, who’s freshened up her makeup after all her tears, but I don’t get a chance to talk to her again because she stays by her sister’s side, circulating through some of the guests.

It’s only when James calls for everyone to move into the restaurant for dinner that Belle appears at my side.

“I suppose you’re sitting next to Freddie again,” I say, a little grumpily.

But she chuckles and slips her arm through mine. “Don’t worry. Gaby let me play with the place settings.”

Surprised, I let her lead me into the restaurant.

The room is full of circular tables that seat eight. Sparkling silver cutlery tops pristine white tablecloths, and each spotless white plate bears a pink serviette with a piece of silver fern, topped with a card bearing a guest’s name.

Similar to the rehearsal dinner, Gaby and Tyson are sitting with Mason, Sherry, Tyson’s parents, and James and his date, Cassie. The two young bridesmaids are with Freddie and the other young ushers, and Freddie’s disgruntled expression at being sat with the kids makes me laugh.

But Belle’s name is next to mine, at a table with Alex, Kaitlyn, Henry, Juliette, Cam, and Aroha. Touched that she wants to sit with me, and pleased because it doesn’t look odd as Aroha’s there, too, I hold Belle’s chair for her, and then take my place beside her.

The next couple of hours prove to be great fun. Alex and Henry are on good form, and jokes and stories flow, keeping everyone entertained. I wondered whether Kaitlyn’s presence might be a problem for Belle, but they talk pleasantly enough, and I’m sure Kaitlyn’s probably relieved she doesn’t have to make polite conversation with Mason and Sherry.

And Belle… Belle is delightful, glowing with energy despite her troublesome night, obviously thrilled that the day has gone so well. I have trouble taking my eyes off her. She’s so competent and organized—I never realized. She works with James, Freddie, and the ushers to get everyone seated, and runs a few errands for Gaby, fetching her wrap when she obviously feels the cold a little. When there’s a slight delay while we wait for one of the courses to be delivered, she gathers the kids up and does magic tricks with coins and cards she seems to always keep in her purse until the food is ready.
