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The food is exquisite but hearty, as both Gaby and Tyson liked the idea of comfort foods for the cooler autumn weather—mini grilled-cheese sandwiches with shot-size cups of tomato soup, bacon-wrapped dates, and cranberry chicken salad to start; pork chops with figs and grapes, cider-braised chicken with apples and kale, or butternut squash ravioli for mains; and for dessert, spiced churros with hot chocolate, apple butter donuts with a maple glaze, spiced carrot cake, and berry tarts with pumpkin spiced lattes.

After the meal are the speeches, and then it’s time for Gaby and Tyson to cut the cake.

“Seems a shame as it’s such a work of art,” Tyson begins to say, and then he stops and glances around, eyes widening.

It takes a second for me to realize what’s happening. The room is shaking, accompanied by the rattle of cutlery on plates, the clink of glasses and bottles, the exclamations of guests, and the peculiar groan of the building itself as it’s shaken to its very foundations. It’s a fucking earthquake.

Chapter Nineteen


I’ve experienced many earthquakes in my time, in both Christchurch and Wellington, as they’re both on fault lines. Usually they’re just like a loud bang, and most of the time we roll our eyes and carry on with what we’re doing. This one goes on and on, though, the whole building trembling, and my heart rate doubles. I wasn’t in the city for the devastating earthquake that hit in 2011, but I watched with the rest of the country as the cameras revealed the extent of the damage and the numbers of the dead, so I know it’s no laughing matter.

“Jesus,” Alex says, “we should get everyone under the tables.” Around us, other people are obviously having the same thought, diving beneath the tablecloths. I see Tyson pull Gaby down, and opposite us Henry grabs Juliette and pulls her off her chair.

Damon and I stand, and he grabs my hand. I’m not sure he even realizes he’s doing it. I’m just about to duck down, but at that moment the building stops shaking, and the tremors die away.

We freeze, looking at each other with wide eyes.

“Is that it, do you think?” I say.

We wait in case it starts again, but the room stays still, and as one, everyone exhales with relief. There’s nervous laughter as people start getting to their feet, checking that everyone else is okay.

Alex is already Googling on his phone, and he says, “It was a 5.9, and only fifteen kilometers down, that’s why it felt so strong.”

“Holy shit.” I look up at Damon.

He cups my face. “Are you okay?”

I nod, although I’m shaking a little. “That was so powerful.”

He pulls me into his arms and wraps them around me. Alex looks at us, but to my surprise he just gives a small smile before turning away.

“Hey Gaby,” he calls out. “Looks like Tyson’s making the earth move for you and you haven’t even got to the wedding night yet.”

That breaks the tension, and everyone starts laughing. James beckons to the members of hotel staff who’ve come in to make sure we’re all okay, and he instructs the waiters to top up everyone’s glasses with champagne. When they’ve made the rounds, and everyone is starting to take their seats again, he calls for quiet.

“Reports are coming in from across the city,” he says, “and it looks as if damage was minimal. I think we got away with it this time.”

Everyone exchanges glances and blows out a breath.

“It’s a sign that we should appreciate the loved ones in our lives,” James says. “Please, turn to the person nearest to you and show them how you really feel. Don’t hold back now.”

I glance around. Tyson gives Gaby a long kiss. On our table, Alex looks at Mum, then pulls her into his arms for a big hug. Cam finds himself standing next to Aroha, and she obviously cracks a joke because he laughs and kisses her on the cheek. Henry and Juliette stare at each other, and then, without saying anything, he slides a hand to the nape of her neck and holds her there as he kisses her. When he releases her, she’s turned scarlet, and she walks away without another word.

I look up at Damon. “Maybe a hug?” I whisper, knowing he won’t want to kiss me in front of Alex.

To my surprise, though, he takes my face in his hands and bends his head to touch his lips to mine for the sweetest kiss I think I’ve ever had. When he eventually lifts his head, he looks into my eyes, then gives me a big hug.

“When the earthquake hit,” he murmurs, “all I could think was that I wasn’t going to get to take you to bed, and I felt devastated. Is that crazy?”

“No. I felt the same.”

“Belle…” He moves back and hesitates.

I put a finger to his lips. I know what he’s thinking. During the ceremony, when Gaby and Tyson were exchanging their vows, I looked across at him and saw the look of puzzlement and something approaching envy on his face. He glanced at me then, and something passed between us, so sharp it almost hurt—a recognition of the desire we feel for one another. The answering resentment that flickered across his expression didn’t escape me. He doesn’t want to have feelings for me. He doesn’t want to get hurt again. I get that, and I’m not going to try to trap him into a relationship, like his ex apparently did.
