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Alex said, “Jesus,” glared at me, and then strode up to her, grabbed her arm, and dragged her off. When I saw her again about half an hour later, she was wearing a sundress and looked sulky, so I had a feeling he’d told her off.

Since then, she’s only grown more beautiful, like a rosebud gradually opening in the summer sun, and it’s become tougher to remember she’s Alex’s kid sis, and to tease her like a brother rather than do what I really want, which is to pin her against the wall and crush my lips to hers. It’s a shame, especially now I know she likes me, but she’s so young, and she needs someone a lot more suitable than me. Having any kind of relationship with her is out of the question.

I have a sip of my coffee and clear my throat. “So, come on then, spill the beans. What’s in the boxes?”

Chapter Three


“I’m not ready to tell you yet,” I inform him.

I’m saying it more to tease him, because he’s already been nicer to me in the past ten minutes than Cole was in the whole time we were together.

The fact that he’s put me on the insurance for the car warmed me through. When I add to that the way he took Cole by the scruff of the neck and practically threw him through the door, and then came and gave me a hug…

It’s been a while since I saw Damon, and although in my head I compared him to Thor, I’d forgotten just how gorgeous he is. He’s tall, maybe six-two, and big, his gray T-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders and wide chest. The denim of his jeans clings to his solid thighs. He has a lazy, sexy smile, and whenever I’ve seen him, he always looks as if he hasn’t shaved for three or four days. By far the most attractive thing about him, though, are his light-brown eyes, the color of gingerbread, that always look as if he’s thinking about something raunchy.

He has a mouthful of coffee. “You know the more you refuse to tell me, the more intrigued it makes me.”

“Yeah, I know.”

He laughs and has a mouthful of his Danish, eating it in three large bites. He’s manspreading, sitting with his knees wide apart so one of them is resting against mine, but I don’t want to correct him, because I like him touching me, even if it is only our patellas. I can smell his cologne, something expensive with woody tones and a touch of vanilla—it makes my mouth water. He’s so… earthy. I bet there’s nothing he wouldn’t do with or to a woman in bed.

Jesus, I have to stop thinking about him and sex in the same sentence. I’ve got eight hours with him. I’ll be melting into a puddle if I don’t rein my brain in right now.

“So are you looking forward to the wedding?” he asks.

Actually, I was wrong—the most attractive thing about him is his voice. Low and gravelly, not quite Vin Diesel, but not far from it. It makes me weak at the knees.

Relieved to be distracted, I nod enthusiastically. “Gaby’s so happy. I can’t wait to see them tie the knot.”

My sister, who’s three years older than me, started dating Tyson at high school. They stayed together even though she moved to Christchurch, flying to see each other as often as they could, and at twenty-two were talking about getting married. And then he was involved in a terrible car accident. It broke both his legs, damaged his spine, and put him in a wheelchair, and doctors told him he’d never walk again. But his best friends at university—Alex, James, and Henry, and Damon—were determined to help him. Tyson was the reason they created MAX, and with the aid of the exoskeleton they’ve been able to help him exercise to strengthen his limbs. After four years, he’s now able to stand for a short while on crutches. Gaby has supported him all this time, never wavering.

“Alex was telling me you’ve been helping him with THOR,” I say.

“Yeah, that’s right. Has he told you about his plan to integrate it with gaming software?”

“No! Is that where you come in?”

“Yeah. I thought it was a great idea. Kids are much more likely to want to do their physio if it involves levelling up every time they take a step.”

“That’s so cool. How close is it to completion?”

“A few months yet. That’s partially why I’m coming down this week—to iron out a few kinks.”

Kinks. And now I’m back to sex.

I bet he’s really kinky. He has that look in his eye. I have no idea what being kinky entails, but whatever it is, Damon Chevalier is definitely it.

Damon has a mouthful of coffee, his lips curving up as I continue to stare at him. “What?”

I clear my throat. “Nothing. So how are things at Kingpinz?” He owns the company with his two brothers. They started off making prosthetics, and have also been working on an augmentative and alternative communication device, the kind that Stephen Hawking used, with a voice synthesizer. “How’s MOTHER coming along?”

“Good. Kip’s hoping to get it up and running by August.”

“Saxon’s twins are due soon, right?”
