Page 42 of Kiss Me Again

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That kiss.

I can’t help but think about it when he comes home. When we’re tucking the kids into bed. When I say goodbye to him for the night. Or when I’m alone in my room and the night ticks on with no one else in my bed. The memory of the kiss curls my toes.

It doesn’t help that it’s Saturday, so I’m not at work. Cormac can take care of his kids without me just fine. The only problem is, I have nothing to do but mull over what’s going on, or rather, what’snotgoing on. Feels like I’m going out of my mind, waiting for the weekend to be over.

“Why don’t you have dinner with someone?” Dad asks, as he sweeps the kitchen.


“It’s a Saturday night. I don’t imagine you were used to spending those at home when you lived in the city. And you look bored.”

I shrug. “Maybe we can watch a movie or something.”

He smiles, but there’s a hint of pain in his eyes. Dad comes closer, speaking low. “We’re not that booked, and I had hoped to have some quiet time with your mother tonight.”

I do not want to know what he means by quiet time, and I think I do. Fighting the urge to cringe, I tell him, “I’ll see myself out. Just tell her I took the car.”

“You got it, kiddo.”

I grab her keys and bolt out of the B&B. On my way to the car, I text Aria and, as luck would have it, her mother is visiting, so she doesn’t need a sitter for Owen. We meet atReynold’s Bar and Grillon the south side of downtown. Of course, she walks in looking like a million bucks in a little black dress, while I’m in donut-printed chef pants and a tank top. We sit at the bar and I order a Negroni and fries, and she picks a bellini, before the chat begins.

Aria asks, “How is the new job? I’m so excited to hear all about it, but whenever you pick up the twins from school, we never seem to have a minute to chat.”

“The job is great. Honestly, I like it way more than I thought I would.”

“How so?”

“Well, I figured they’d be a pair of spoiled brats or something, and they are not at all. Franny and Aiden are seriously exceptional kids. Thank you for setting me up for this.”

She smiles. “I’m so glad to hear that. I was worried. You’re not much of a kid person.”

I shrug. “Yeah, but they’re pretty cool. Plus, showing Franny that vegetables aren’t evil is fun.” Our drinks come, and mine is only so-so, but the fries are amazing.

Aria steals one and says, “I should have ordered some.”

“I thought we’d split them. How is your job going?”

“Right as rain. I love my kids, and Owen loves Billingsley, so I have no complaints.”

That is way too cheery. “Aria. It’s me.”

“Oh, you know. Teachers like to gossip. It’s nothing—

“Hi,” a guy says to her as he interrupts her and ignores me.

She casts a withering glare at him. “I was talking to my friend.”

He gives me a pathetic smile, then turns back to her. “So, are you new in town?”

“I’m a single mom.”

“Have a nice night, ma’am.” He scoots away as gracelessly as he entered the picture.

“Ma’am?” she snaps, and I can’t stop laughing.

“That’sthe part that pissed you off?”

“Ugh. It’s one thing to be rude enough to interrupt, and ignore you, and act like I’m only here to talk to him, but for fuck’s sake,ma’am? How old do I look? He’s older than I am! You saw his gray hair, right?”

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