Page 47 of Kiss Me Again

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She laughs. “I’d do it without the bonus, but I’m happy to take your money. What time?”

“He’ll be here around seven.”

“Then I’ll see you around five-thirty with groceries for a proper Sunday dinner.”

“My god, Lily, you are a lifesaver!”

She giggles, and I want to make her make that sound all the time. “I’m happy to help, Cormac. Really, it’s not a big deal—

“Maybe not for you. But for me, it’s huge. Thank you.”

“Yeah. See you soon.” She hangs up.

I take a deep breath, since I averted the first crisis. Now for all the others—

“Uno!” Aiden shouts as he runs and jumps into the pool in his clothes.

“Not uno!” Franny says, giggling as following along. “Canada ball!”

She jumps in near him in the middle of the pool.

When they come up for air, I can’t help but laugh. “Franny, it’s cannonball, not Canada ball.”

“You’re not supposed to have your phone in the pool,” Aiden says.

“I was on an important call and fell in.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, thanks. Besides, you’re not supposed to have your play clothes on in the pool.”

“Okay.” He yanks at his wet shirt.

“Just leave it on, kid.” I shake my head, chuckling to myself. “You know, for someone who is such a stickler for the rules, you certainly like to make up your own a lot.”

He grins. “Yeah.”

I smirk and roll my eyes before walking out of the pool and setting my phone on the table. “Guess what, kids. Lily is coming to make dinner tonight.”

“Yay!” They shout in unison.

I feel their enthusiasm in my heart. “And so is a business associate of mine, so when it’s time for bed, I need you to go with no arguments. Okay?”

Franny nods. “Is Lily making vegetables?”

“I’m not sure. Why? I thought you like when she does.”

She makes a face. “They’re okay.”

“You eat her vegetables all the time, like they’re your favorite thing.”

“I don’t want her to feel bad.”

Knowing how much she hates veggies, I’m moved by the gesture. “That’s a nice thing you’re doing for her, then. You’re a good egg, Franny.”

“I’m not an egg,” she laughs.

The kids splash each other, and I hope that will tucker them out since we missed our hike. They haven’t taken a proper nap outside of when they’ve been sick in a year so I don’t hold my breath for that.
