Page 50 of Kiss Me Again

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“That would be the roasted chicken, gravy, and mashed potatoes, most likely. The combination of the smells always makes me hungry. I warn you—I’m not a baker, so if the berry tart comes out weird after dinner, we’ll just make sure he drinks more wine to make up for it.”

He clutched at his flat stomach. “I gained a pound just hearing the menu.”

I laughed and stirred the gravy again. “How are the kids? Nervous?”

“Not at all. I have them changing clothes, so they look a little more presentable, but Franny just wants to know when she can have some berries.”

“Soon, I promise. Well, after dinner.” I shrug.

He smiles and for a flash, I see that worried look again. “Clint will be here soon.”

“Twenty minutes, if he keeps his schedule.” Draining the green beans in a colander, I’m half in the conversation and half out of it.

“Thank you for all of this, Lily. I can’t even explain how much you are saving my ass right now.”

I smirk. “Well, it’s a cute ass. I’d hate to see it in trouble.”

He chuckles softly and his voice drops an octave as he says, “Thanks. But I’m not in here just to distract you from cooking.”

“You’re not distracting me. I have everything under control—ah, shit.” I jerk my hand from the steam over the green beans and shake it, trying to ignore my burning fingertips.

He rushes to me at the sink, grabbing my hand to look at it. “Let me see.”

“I’m fine—

“Let me see,” he says, forcefully taking my hand in his to look. “Doesn’t seem too bad. A little pink. You okay?”

I chuckle. “Cormac, I’m fine. I burned myself worse than this half the nights at the restaurant. Don’t worry about it.”

His eyes flicker down at his hand, still holding mine. For the briefest moment, he hesitates to let me go, and my breath catches in my throat. But then he does. “Right. Of course. Sorry.”

There’s that moment just before a kiss that the tension hangs in the air like a mouthwatering scent. Right now, my mouth is watering. But I sip my water and get back to the green beans.Don’t freak out. Plan the food. I made salad, blanched the beans, chicken skin is perfect and golden brown, sour cream and chive mashed potatoes are done. We are not about to kiss, so put it out of your mind.

“Uh, you said something about not being here only to distract me. Good job, by the way.”

He sighs. “I’m sorry I made you burn yourself.”

“I’m was just giving you shit, Cormac. What’s up?”

“There’s another favor I need, and it’s a lot, so I’m not sure how to ask it.”

I shrug, checking the gravy again. Facetiously, I tell him, “As long as it’s reflected in my bonus, ask away.”

He laughs uncomfortably. “Not real sure how I’d explain this one to my accountant.”

I give him a look. “What’s wrong? You sound nervous, like you want me to sleep with the guy.”



He laughs again. “Not that!”

“Oh. I was gonna say I don’t have that many lines in the sand, but that’s one of them.”

Cormac shakes his head, smiling. “Nothing like that. Not at all.”

“Alright then, out with it.”
