Page 11 of Bitsy

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“Bossy,” I mutter, but don’t fight when he lifts me once again and walks me back down the stairs.

I’ve lived my entire life surrounded by overwhelmingly bossy men. I’ve always told myself that I would one day settle down with a soft, quiet man who just goes with the flow.

So, why, all of a sudden, does that sound like a very boring life? Why does the thought of bossy and arrogant Viper as my forever person make life sound wonderful?

But I can’t do that to someone right now. My mind has been in a constant state of “what ifs” since I received my diagnosis.

What if mom and dad can’t handle my cancer?

What if my family doesn’t support my decision if I decide to stop treatments?

What if my hair falls out?

What if the treatments don’t work?

What if the cancer spreads?

What if the cancer vanishes?

What if I can never again ride my bike?

What if I die?

Adding, what if I’m not enough for Viper because I’ll be needy and sick to my long list ofwhat-ifsjust isn’t feasible at this time in my life.

Viper is just a dream that can’t come true right now.

Besides, I’m pretty sure my whole family would tear him to shreds. They’ve scared off every potential boyfriend I’ve ever had my entire life.

I turn and hide my face in Viper’s chest so he doesn’t question the smile on my face. My family may be a pain in my ass, but I love them all so very much.

Chapter Four


“Eat this,” I tell Bitsy. “I want to see every last bite gone.”

“Yes, Daddy,” the little brat says.

“Careful, little one,” I whisper against her ear. “I don’t hate the sound of that.”

I chuckle when her eyes widen.

“Does your head still hurt?” Blaze asks. “Would you like me to give you a massage?”

My brothers all know that I’ve already claimed Bitsy as mine. Blaze just wants to piss me the fuck off.

“Lay one finger on her and I will put a bullet in your leg,” I warn.

Blaze smirks but takes a few steps back. He knows for a fact that I don’t make empty promises. I won’t kill him, but I won’t hesitate to wound the fucker.

“Viper,” Bitsy gasps. “You can’t threaten to shoot your own brother.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time he’s threatened one of us,” Blaze says.

“Hell, it wouldn’t be the first time he’s shot one of us,” Venom retorts.

Bitsy laughs as I shake my head.
