Page 12 of Bitsy

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“Shouldn’t have dared me,” I tell Venom. He was the one I shot.

“Hey, I wasn’t the one who dared you to do anything,” Venom says. “That was all Miles. I don’t think I should be punished for the stupid shit Miles gets himself into.”

“Whose Miles?” Bitsy asks. “I’ve met your parents, Venom, and Blaze. I even remember someone talking named Doc. I also remember you mentioning Ghost and Steel. Are they more brothers or someone from your club?”

“Viper,” Blaze warns when I make a move to answer her question. I nod and wait for Venom to decide if he wants to reveal who Miles is.

“Viper,” Venom says. “Are you going to murder me if I go and sit beside your woman?”

“I’m not his woman,” Bitsy says. “Come and sit down. Who cares what the big meanie says.”

Venom doesn’t break eye contact with me until I nod. My brothers may tease the fuck out of one another but we respect each other completely.

“Alright,” Venom says once he’s seated next to Bitsy. “First off, Ghost and Steel are finishing up a meeting and should be joining us soon. Now, this is going to be a lot. And you may or may not even believe me. But everything I’m about to tell you is the truth. And it’s also not something I let a lot of people know.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” Bitsy says, shoving her food aside and laying her hand on top of Venom’s. I can feel his nerves from where I’m standing and to see Bitsy, this stranger, comforting my brother before she even knows why he needs comforting just cements my plans into place.

She will be mine.

Fuck cancer. I’m stronger and I’ll be by her side until she’s ready to accept me back.

“It’s hard because people have called me a freak or think I’m lying for attention,” he explains. “But I have medical proof to back up everything I’m about to say.”

“I don’t need your proof, Venom,” she tells him. “All I need are your words. I promise not to call you names and I promise to believe what you tell me.”

“Okay,” he says, taking a deep breath. “When I was four years old, I witnessed my birth parents being killed.”

Bitsy gasps but doesn’t say a word, giving her full attention to Venom.

“My father was beaten until his face was unrecognizable before he and I were forced to watch my mother as she was brutally raped. I don’t know why they didn’t kill me, too. But, once they were finished with my parents, they just left.”

I move to sit down beside Bitsy as Venom collects himself. Even though his parents were killed thirty years ago, he still wakes up screaming with night terrors a couple of times a year. I have a bad feeling that tonight is going to be one of those nights.

“Anyway, I went into the system and was eventually adopted by Ma and Pops,” he continues. “It took almost a year before I was placed in their home. I was moved from foster parent to foster parent because they said they couldn’t deal with my tantrums. I could never remember the tantrums they were talking about. To make a long story short, Ma and Pops never once complained about my mood swings and they never gave up on me. Instead, they had me tested for months before it was concluded that I have a mental condition called Dissociative Identity Disorder. They said it was most likely my brain's way of protecting itself.”

“Multiple personality?” Bitsy asks softy. When Venom nods, she continues. “Does that mean that Doc was actually you?”

“No,” Venom answers. “Doc was Doc. He was just using my body. It’s hard to explain in a way that people can understand. When I was younger, I couldn’t control the system. That’s what we call what happens in here.”

Venom points to his head before reconnecting his hands with Bitsy’s.

“When things would become overwhelming, Doc would come forward. He was the first Alter to appear. The firstotherpersonality. When he would front, or take control, I wasn’t aware of it. It was as if I was asleep. I couldn’t remember any of it. Then, in high school, Miles came forward. Doc was always super smart. He was the one who took all of our tests.”

Bitsy’s laugh causes Venom to smile.

“It’s a good thing because I never paid attention,” he jokes. “Anyway, he always told people he wanted to be a doctor one day. When Ma and Pops told me this, that’s when we named him Doc. Miles, on the other hand, was up front about his name and who he was. That man is always making life difficult for me.”

Everyone in the room laughs which causes Venom to frown.

“You don’t help the matter any,” he grumps. “Always encouraging him.”

“Miles is gay,” I explain to Bitsy.

“There isn’t anything wrong with being gay, Venom,” she glares at my brother. “I have two uncles who are very much in love and it’s the most beautiful thing.”

“Milesis gay,” he says slowly.

“So what?” She shrugs.
