Page 20 of Bitsy

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I giggle before standing.

“Xander, want to ride with me?” I ask my new friend. “You get shotgun.”

“What in the world would I need a shotgun for,” he asks, eyebrows raised. “Trust me, Ghost has that whole building secured. Even the bodyguards carry concealed firearms.”

“It means you can sit in the front,” I laugh.

“I think I’d prefer to take my bike but thank you.”

“Load up,” someone calls out. “I want to get there before it gets too crowded.”

“Have fun, honey,” mom says. “I’m going to hang out here with Mrs. Victoria and the men. They’re going to lead us to Viper’s house. I don’t know what time you’ll be getting home but don’t over-exhaust yourself. Tomorrow’s a big day.”

I smile and hug my mom but inside, I’m cringing. The C word. Again. I just want to forget all about it for tonight.

“Love you, mom,” I say before pulling out of her hug and accepting the one Victoria offers. “You ladies have fun tonight and don’t let these men take away your fun. Make them order you pizza.”

They laugh and something inside of me clicks in place. Seeing these two woman and their glaring husbands standing behind them, all here together feels right. Like these two families, separated by miles, were meant to combine.

Looking back at Viper, I watch as he softly smiles at the two couples before connecting with my eyes.

There’s something there. A change in his expression. Shaking my head, I walk towards the door.

“If so much as a single hair on her head is hurt tonight, I’ll…”

“Yeah, yeah,” I interrupt. “You’ll break his fucking face.”

With a quick kiss and an innocent smile tossed to my Daddy, I walk out into the evening air.

Chapter Six


The night was ablaze with the unmistakable energy of The Cage. My brothers and I were in attendance, and everyone knew it. Ghost had us sitting in a section where we could watch without being interrupted by the guests.

Bitsy, her vibrant spirit undiminished by the challenges life had recently thrown at her, was the center of attention on the crowded dance floor. The colorful lights and the pounding music created a surreal atmosphere as she moved with a grace and sensuality that captivated everyone around her. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, a mixture of desire and protectiveness coursing through my veins.

Ghost leaned over to me, a knowing grin on his face saying, “Viper, it looks like you’ve found yourself a handful there.”

I nodded, unable to tear my gaze away from Bitsy’s mesmerizing dance.

“Yeah, brother. She’s something else, that’s for sure.”

Xander chimes in, “If she plans on sticking around, just make sure she knows what she’s getting into, brother. Our world is no walk in the park.”

I appreciate his concern, but something about Bitsy tells me she is tougher than she looks. “Don’t worry, Xander, she grew up in a world similar to ours. I’m sure she can hold her own.”

“We always knew bringing women into our lives was going to be risky,” Blaze chimes in. “If Viper can convince Bitsy to stay with him after she’s cancer-free, we will just have to be extra cautious when it comes to thenot-so-legalactivities we get up to.”

“Well, right now she needs to be focused on her treatments,” I say. “I don’t want her stressed out more than necessary. I just hope that if she does agree to be mine, her father won’t give us too much hassle.”

Steel, our silent but observant brother, finally speaks up, his voice low and gravelly. “Just remember, brother, we got your back. No matter what.”

Their words warm me, and I know I can count on my brothers to support me through whatever lay ahead with Bitsy.

As the night progressed, a growing crowd gathered around my beautiful enchantress, drawn to her magnetic presence. She laughed and danced, her body an embodiment of life and vitality. However, amidst the admirers was one man who pushed the boundaries way too fucking far, grinding against her, with his hands landing on her hips.

My jaw clenches in anger and I move to stand to tear his fucking arms off. But before I can make my move, Bitsy takes matters into her own hands.
