Page 21 of Bitsy

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“I told you to back off,” I hear her yell.

Bitsy twists her body to the side and raises her foot with precision, targeting his dick.

There was a sudden gasp from the onlookers as the man’s eyes widened in shock and pain. He staggers back, clutching his lower abdomen, a look of agony contorting his face.

But Bitsy wasn’t finished. With determination, she advances on the fucker, her eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and self-assuredness. With a quick, fluid motion, she brings her knee up again, this time aiming for his nose.

The impact was swift and brutal. There was a sickening crack as Bitsy’s knee connected with the man's face. Blood spurted, and he cried out in pain, stumbling backward and crashing to the floor.

Bitsy stood her ground, her chest heaving with a mixture of adrenaline and satisfaction. She had defended herself with a combination of swift and well-executed moves. Her father taught her well.

The crowd around them fell into a stunned silence, some with wide eyes and others with grins of approval. Bitsy’s message was clear: she would not tolerate disrespect, and she could more than handle herself in a confrontation.

She turns and continues dancing as if nothing ever happened, leaving the man nursing his wounded pride and aching nose, a memorable lesson learned on the dance floor of The Cage.

Ghost leans over again, a grin on his face. “Looks like she can take care of herself, Viper.”

I nod, a newfound admiration for Bitsy settling in.

“Yeah, Ghost. She’s something special,” I smile. “But I still want that mother fucker out of this building.”

Ghost nods, “Already done, brother. My men are taking care of it.”

My brothers exchange knowing glances. They understand my protective instincts, but they also recognize the strength and resilience that radiated from Bitsy. She was no fragile flower, and tonight, she was determined to experience life to the fullest.

As the night wore on, I watched over Bitsy from a distance, making sure she was safe, but also giving her the space to enjoy herself. the Cage may be a haven of chaos and temptation, but with Bitsy in my life, I feel like I have found something worth fighting for, something worth protecting.

And so, under the neon lights of the Cage, amidst the pulsating music and the wild dance floor, my connection with Bitsy deepens. I may have just met her, but my instant obsession with her is undeniable, and I am determined to be the man who stands by her side, no matter what challenges lay ahead.


Hours pass by and I can’t help but notice that Bitsy is starting to slow down. The adrenaline from the earlier confrontation on the dance floor, and her many hours of dancing had drained her, and I can see the exhaustion in her eyes.

Bitsy slid back into the corner booth where my brothers and I were sitting. I wrap a protective arm around her, offering silent reassurance that she was safe with us. Her presence against my side feels right. Like it’s always meant to be this way.

We continue to chat and exchange stories, but the weariness is taking its toll on Bitsy. She leans against the booth, her eyes fluttering as she tries to fight sleep. I can’t blame her; it has been an eventful night.

With her eyelids growing heavy, she rests her head on my shoulder. I look at my brothers, sharing a silent understanding that Bitsy needs rest.

Deciding it was time to leave the Cage, I carefully lift Bitsy into my arms, her delicate frame fitting perfectly against mine. My brothers nod in approval as I secure her in the backseat of Blaze’s car.

“To your place?” he asks quietly.

I nod from my place beside Bitsy.

Upon our arrival, I carry Bitsy inside, my heart filled with a mix of protectiveness and tenderness. I take her upstairs to the guest room knowing her parents won’t be too happy that I didn’t take her downstairs to the guest floor instead.

I smile, knowing Cap is going to give me hell for this tomorrow.

I tuck Bitsy into the soft bed, ensuring she is comfortable and warm. Her peaceful face in the dim room tugs at my heartstrings, and I know that I can’t bear to ever be separated from her. So, I decide to sleep in the uncomfortable chair in the corner of the room, just in case she needs me during the night.

With a gentle kiss on her forehead, I whisper, “Sleep well, Bitsy,” before quietly exiting the room to grab a beer.

“Why is she up here?” Cap asks from the kitchen door leading down to the basement.

“It’s where she belongs,” I answer.

He sighs but doesn’t argue back.
