Page 30 of Bitsy

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The doorbell rings, but I make no move to answer it. I’m sure Viper is close by and I just don’t have the energy to even care about visitors.

“Can I help you?” I hear Viper say.

“I have a delivery for Viper,” someone says.

“Someone sent me flowers?” he asks.

Curious, I lean up and look over the back of the couch. Viper is standing at the door with a bouquet of roses in his hand looking the most confused I’ve ever seen him. If I had the energy, I’d laugh.

But a nap sounds better.



I look down at the note in my hand and then at the group text Ghost shot out.

Fuck. How the hell am I going to get my sick woman over to the clubhouse without stressing her out?

While she naps, I rush to our room and pack our bags. Thankfully, her Ma shipped over a good portion of her clothing and personal items. I pack what I think she’ll need, along with her medications, favorite pillow, blankets, and any items to help her relax.

Rushing outside, I toss our bags into the back of my car and rush back in. I don’t want to wake her up, but when the President calls for a lockdown, he means right the fuck now.

“Baby,” I say gently. “I’m going to carry you to the car. We need to head to the clubhouse for a few days.”

“A few days,” she mumbles. “Why? What’s going on? Is it the threat?”

“Yeah, little one,” I say, pulling her into my arms. “More have been made. Except for this time they’ve sent the message to our home. I’m assuming the other’s got one as well. Ghost has called in the entire club for a lockdown.”

“I can’t go into lockdown, Viper,” she says. “I’m halfway through my treatments. I can’t miss any.”

“Don’t worry about that, baby. I’ll make sure you make all of your appointments. Now, try and go back to sleep. I’ll wake you up when we get there.”

“I’m not sure sleep is in my future,” she says as I buckle her into the front seat.

I smile when I get behind the wheel. In the time it took for me to get from her side of the car to mine, she fell asleep.

I was concerned at first with the number of naps a day she took, but Dr. Stone assures me that it is completely normal. Her body shuts down in order to preserve the energy it’s taking for it to fight back.

As I pull into the Obsidian Clubhouse, I carry Bitsy inside and lay her down gently on one of the many couches we have around the room.

“Everyone is on their way,” Ghost says. “I’ve even called in the prospects. A couple of them had flowers and threats sent to them as well.”

“We need to figure out who the fuck we’re dealing with before someone gets hurt. Where’s Ma and Pops?”

“They’re already here,” Ghost says, walking next to me as I go collect our things. “He’s thinking we should call a code one.”

I want to complain, but I know it’s the best decision. Code one lockdown means everyone is locked inside the clubhouse, even families that live close by. No ins or outs unless you’re a club chair member. Which means, me, Ghost, Venom, Blaze, Steel, and Pops.

“I will have to take Bitsy out every other day for her treatments,” I tell him. “We need to make a plan for the trip there, the three-hour visit, and the trip back.”

“Do all of our notes say the same thing?” Venom asks as he dismounts from his bike.

“Let’s get everyone inside and assign rooms for the prospects and their families,” Ghost says. “Then we’ll have a meeting.”

It takes an hour before everyone is locked inside and settled into their rooms. Luckily, we built this clubhouse to hold many families.

“I have my security team from the Cage on watch outside,” Ghost says. “I have no doubt in my trust in them to keep our family safe. Let’s have that meeting. If you are family, please make your way to your rooms for a little while. All brothers, including prospects, remain here.”
