Page 31 of Bitsy

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Our club has a total of eighteen members. Six chair members and the rest Obsidian brothers. With some of the men married with kids of their own, the clubhouse is packed.

Bitsy moves to stand and I place a gentle hand on her stomach, holding her firmly in place on the couch beside me.

“You don’t need to go anywhere, Bitsy,” Ghost says.

“Oh, thank god,” she sighs. “Alright, go about your meeting while I eat these crackers.”

“Does everyone have their messages?” I ask, pulling my own out of my pocket.

In total, seven small cards were attached to the roses.

The thorns of fate await, sharp and unforgiving.

Thorns will pierce them and roses will weep blood.

As each petal falls, revealing its thorn, so will your walls of safety.

Your future, a delicate petal amidst the thorns, ready to fall.

In the shadows, thorns of vengeance grow sharper.

The prick of a thorn will be your demise.

Your rose will wither and die while my thorn pierces your eye.

I lay mine down last, reflecting on the message sent.Your rose will wither and die.Are they talking about Bitsy?

“It looks like the messages have the same meaning across all seven,” Steel says. “But, what’s with the rose symbolism?”

Bitsy leans over my shoulder and reads each card. I want to keep her away from this part of my life, but I don’t think she would allow that to happen.

“I know that I’m not a member of this club,” she says softly. “But can I say two things?”

“You’re a member of this family,” Pops says. “Which means you’re a member of this club.”

Ma, sitting beside Pops, grins and nods her head.

Bitsy smiles and curls into my side, tucking her legs beside her on the couch.

“Okay, well, one, what’s with this lockdown? Why are we all here?”

“We come together to keep each other safe when danger is threatening us,” Ghost says. “Is that not something your Pops does?”

“No,” she says. “Not in the same way, anyway. For one simple fact.”

“There was never any danger?” Blaze asks.

“Oh, no, there were tons of danger,” she answers. “With their jobs, danger is always lurking around the corner. But think of it like this. For the sake of this conversation, let’s say that my dad’s club was the one threatening you. You don’t realize that your danger is coming from another club that may have the same regulations most clubs do. Such as church meetings for members only, or the hierarchy of the club. Or, let’s say, that when danger strikes, the clubs go into lockdown.”

“Where are you going with this?” Pops asks.

“Think about it, Pops, if you guys were after a huge organization of evil-doers and wanted to take them all out, how would you do it? One at a time, over the course of months, possibly years? Or all at the same time? In, say, an explosion or gas leak while they were all asleep in the same building at the exact same time.”


“What better way to get rid of The Obsidian MC and their families, then to force them into a self-imposed lockdown that they thought was their choice in the making,” she finishes.

“Damnit, she’s right,” Pops says. “Why the hell haven’t we thought about that?”
