Page 78 of Survive for Me

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“Deep breaths, Fancy Face,” I said when I started barely thrusting against her. Her hand swung back to reach for any piece of me that she could find.

“Hips up, baby.”

As soon as there was enough space between her and the bed, I held my weight off her with one hand next to her head and slid the other under body to get my fingers on her clit. She whimpered at the relief that the stimulation gave her while I continued to force my way deeper into her tight little ass.

“You were made for me,” I said and leaned down to press my forehead against the side of her head. “Made to take me. Made to fight me. Made to fuck me.”

“Jersey,” she gasped. I slid my fingers down to push them into her and dragged my palm across her clit. Her entire body tightened in an instant. Her pussy gripped my fingers, her asshole nearly strangled my dick, and her soul managed to absorb every broken piece of mine.

“Take me with you,” I said and thrusted my way right into that orgasm with her. I pulled out of her quickly to slip my arm under her body and roll her to her back. I kissed her until I felt like I needed to leave her mouth alone for a moment to give her a chance to breathe and I kissed my way down her neck instead, taking extra care to kiss every discolored, bruised part of her skin that still made me hate myself.



The pushy, domineering lunatic from a moment ago seemed to disappear right before my very eyes, and within seconds he was replaced by this tender, overly affectionate man who couldn’t stop touching me. I think he managed to kiss every inch of my skin before he made it back to my mouth. He kissed my forehead and lowered himself down to his elbows to just rest his body on mine. Everything he’d just done left me in such a weird fucking high that I was having a hard time focusing on his face.

“Are you okay?”

The instant change in him blew my mind so hard that I couldn’t even figure out how to speak. I simply nodded at him after he kissed me another time. He smirked and his hand came up to my cheek to brush his thumb across it.

“Use your words, baby. You’ve been doing a lot of crying lately anyway, and I know it’s been because of me. I don’t know how to fix that yet, but if you need something from me right now, I need you to tell me,” he paused just to stare through my eyeballs and into my soul. “Are you okay?” He asked another time.

“I’m alright, J. Little dizzy,” I said and laughed. “I feel kind of drunk actually.”

He watched my face for another few seconds, like he was waiting to see if I’d change my mind about my answer, then he kissed me again.

“That’s what I figured,” he said and kissed my head. “Don’t go anywhere.”

He climbed off me and off the bed to disappear into the bathroom. I tried to sit up, only to find that absolutely everything below my waist was already sore so I gave up and just flopped right back onto the bed. I think I was nearly asleep by the time I felt his arm slide under my shoulders.

“Come on, Fancy Face,” he said and slipped the other arm under my knees. I still couldn’t figure out a way to react when he carried me into he bathroom and lowered me into the bathtub while it was still filling. So, I just stared at him. He kissed my forehead again.

“I’ll be right back.”

And I just watched him walk out like he’d managed to fuck the ability to speak right out of me. I lowered myself into the water a little further and closed my eyes to try to remember some of the things he’d said. I couldn’t recall a single moment of my time spent with the man where I felt like I was in control of him the way that he seemed to believe I was. And I damn sure never expected him to be the kind of man to consider himself under a woman’s control. I found myself wondering yet again who he’d really been before he lost his wife if this softer version of him was still available under the surface of the control freak from time to time.

Jersey came back into the bathroom with two bottles of water and dragged that little stool right next to the bathtub again to sit them on it.

“Sit up, baby.”

I didn’t even hesitate to do what he said, and I was shocked another fucking time when he slid right into the tub behind me.

“What is this, Jersey?” I asked and laughed when he pulled me back into his body to lay his arms across me.

“Some people need to be reminded that they’re loved after they’ve been used as a sex toy,” he said and squeezed me a little harder. I wiggled around until I was comfortable under the weight of his arms before his words really sank their way into my brain.

Some people.

He hadn’t said some women need to be reminded that they’re loved.

Some people.

I swallowed every confusing emotion I’d ever felt in his presence and dug my fingernails into his forearm to hold on for dear life.

“I love you too, J.”

I could feel him stop breathing for a few seconds before he seemed to remember the tough guy attitude that he preferred to present to the world.
