Page 80 of Survive for Me

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“That motherfucker,” I hissed and whirled around for the door.

For not being anything close to a light sleeper, that brought Trista right to life.

“What?“ She asked, dragging herself from the bed as quickly as she could move. “What’s wrong?”

She caught me by the arm and rather than offering any explanation, I just pointed at the window. She hesitated, and then kept her hold on my arm to pull me with her when she went toward the window.

“Awe,” she said. “They’re cute.”

I looked again myself to make sure we were looking at the same sight.

We fucking were.

Memphis was sitting at the edge of the pool with her feet in the water.

With that other fucking Executioner right beside her; his feet in the water too.

“They’re what?” I asked, after staring for far too long to try to comprehend her words.

“Cute, Jersey. They’re cute together.”

“I’ll be right back.”

She grabbed me again before I’d even turned all the way around.

“Do not go out there.”

“Why wouldn’t I? You can see what’s happening too, right?”

“Them sitting beside each other? Not even touching? Yeah, J. I see it. Can you believe the fucking nerve of that man to keep a respectful distance between their bodies?”

“That’s not funny,” I snapped.

“Well, it was a little funny.”

“It can’t be him.”

“Why do you get to decide that?” She asked. “What’s wrong with him, Jersey? He’s not done anything but help since she called them.”

“He’s just —. He’s so —.”

“Not you?” She interrupted. “He’s nothing like you? Do you want someone like yourself for Memphis, J? Or do you want someone better?”

“You think he’s better than me?” I asked, like a jealous fucking toddler.

“For her, yes. Memphis doesn’t need a pushy, dominating asshole who can’t be told that he’s wrong. That’s what I need. She needs something…softer. Patient.”

That left me oddly torn between wanting to walk out there to rip his body in half with my bare hands and being strangely satisfied that Triss considered him soft when compared to me. And once again, I was left having to swallow that I didn’t even have an argument prepared to go against her.

The fuck did a man have to do around here to just be able to tell his woman to shut her trap and let him do what he wanted?

* * *

Memphis and that other Judge were already sitting at the kitchen island when I made my way there the next morning.For as much as I wanted to ask her what she thought she’d gain from staying up all night and sitting by the pool with Utah, I still hadn’t forced Trista’s words out of my head. I was having a difficult enough time processing my own messed up world without adding my concerns about Memphis on top of it. I didn’t like it. Not a fucking thing about it. But she was smarter than him, and I could always remind myself of that. That, and I couldn’t very well stand here and scold her about that kid just to turn around and ask for her help about Triss.

“Fuck man, you look a little worse every day,” Indy said as soon as I was standing across the island from them.

“Thanks. Why are you here again?”
