Page 87 of Survive for Me

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I rocked my hips in small movements until she had every inch. The little sigh that came out of her had me pulling all the way out just to ram back in as hard as I could until that sigh turned into a whimper.

“Fuck, Jersey, you could give me a second to wake —.”

I interrupted her by covering her mouth. For as much as I used to enjoy using her neck, I didn’t imagine she would ever be okay with it again.

“Do we have to have this conversation every time, baby?” I asked. “It’s Jersey or please. Otherwise, shut your fucking mouth and take it until my cum is dripping back out of this pussy.”

I released her mouth and pulled out of her to grab her by the hips so I could get her up on her knees. Then she surprised the hell out of me when she spun around to use every ounce of weight in her body to push me backward. I damn near fell off the bed. The chuckle that came out of me when she climbed on top of me sounded more deranged than it sounded like a laugh, but when my queen wanted to feel in charge, it was fun to let her think that way sometimes. I didn’t put any effort into stopping her when she laced her fingers through mine to pin my hands to the bed under hers.

“You do this a lot, you know?” She asked. “You wake me up and then you act like I need to be punished for it.”

“If you really want to play the blame game, I’m only awake because you snore like a fucking lumberjack, pretty girl.”

“Fine. Then we’ll call this payback for that time you let someone stab me.”

“One. Time. One guy stabbed you one teeny, tiny fucking time. And then you punched me?” I said and laughed. “Was that not payback?”

“And then you told me that I hit like a cheerleader. So, no.”

“I haven’t fed you to any sharks yet, have I?”

She slapped her hand over my mouth that time while she wiggled her hips to try to get my dick at the right angle, and then she leaned down until her forehead was against mine.

“It’s Triss or please, J.”

It took everything in my willpower to stay where I was underneath her. All of the masculinity in my body was screaming at me to put her back where she belonged, but my dick was in charge, and he very much wanted her to do whatever the fuck she wanted with us. Just when I thought she was about to finally lower herself back onto me, this little witch started to crawl the rest of the way up my body.

“Playing games tonight are we, baby?” I said and chuckled while she placed her knees on either side of my head. “Bring it on, Fancy Face. Sit.”

But she stopped right where she was.

“Those aren’t the right words, J.”

My queen.

My ecstasy.

She wanted to find out if I’d beg.

Like I wouldn’t do fucking anything under the sun for her.

“Please, Triss.”

I couldn’t do anything but smile when I heard her sharp intake of breath over those two simple words. She stayed frozen right in place though.

“I’m still willing to play along, baby. But if you don’t drop that pussy down here for me right fucking now, I’ll take over again. We both know I can. We both know I will.”

She listened that time and I was sucking on her clit a second later. I couldn’t begin to guess why she thought this position would put her in control. She spent a few minutes grinding her hips against my face, but she never had any control over her own body when an orgasm was trying to crash its way through her. And the closer it got this time, the more she struggled to escape the stimulation. The moment that she was attempting to put some distance between her clit and my mouth, I wrapped both arms around her thighs to lock her into place.

“Jersey,” she panted, and she grabbed as much of my hair as she could hold to try to rip it right out. She froze again and didn’t make even an attempt to move once I had her clit between my teeth. She let go of my hair to stab into my scalp with her fingernails at that. Her whole body shuddered, and she nearly screamed the very moment when my tongue took over again. Once she stopped shaking, she put her hands beside my head on the bed to try to keep herself upright. I let go of her legs and she fucking jumped off me like a damn cat. I laughed when she rolled further away from me and right off the edge of the bed to get up and run for it.

We’d been at this for months now. Every so often she tried to find new ways to give herself a break in between orgasms. She’d tried physically running away, hiding, she’d tried picking fights, she’d tried refusing to give me access to her pussy. It never mattered which route she attempted; I got just as much enjoyment out of never giving her that break; but my favorite was always when she ran. Hunting Trista Hart seemed to be the thing that I was born to do.

* * *

I’d finally started sleeping again though. Not a lot, and not always well but it was better than it had been in months. And it was usually interrupted at some point by the tiny woman next to me trying to break the fucking sound barrier with her snoring. She’d been right though, all those months ago while she drunkenly rambled on about soulmates while we were in that state composed entirely of hillbillies. At this point, I’d take disrupted sleep every night for the rest of my life so long as it meant she’d be in that bed beside me.

I never would’ve imagined my ability to be content again hinged on this short, little bundle of mayhem and chaos coexisting with me. She couldn’t undo the things that had happened to my family, just like I couldn’t change what had been done to her when she was younger. But for whatever reason, we could both breathe a little easier with the other around. The giant fucking cavern that existed directly in the middle of my heart was the perfect size to hold every broken piece of hers.

We definitely didn’t fit together like those sappy puzzle metaphors that everybody talked about when it was time for wedding vows, but she’d been more than willing to let all my razor-sharp edges cut right into her until there was no telling where I ended, and she began. We weren’t even puzzle pieces that had been forced into fitting together, because there was absolutely no chance of separating us again. We were broken glass that had been reglazed and fused together to create something new entirely.
