Page 61 of Devil's Craving

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“And a bigger room.” I raised my eyebrows significantly.

Hammer laughed. “You motherfucker. Fine. A bigger room. Just get me what I need.”

Pursing my lips, I nodded. “Okay, cool. Gimme a day or two. I need to move some shit around to hide a double order. Wrecker was fucking stupid, thinking he could do it without me. No one moves money better than me.”

A smug look took over Hammer’s face as he nodded in agreement. “I told him to get you involved, but he said you were too loyal. Looks like he was wrong.”

Instead of responding, I stood and stretched, jerking my thumb towards the door. “I’m out. Gotta get back. Maybe if Sam’s asleep, I can wake her up the fun way. You got my number?”

His face fell, and he looked annoyed, snapping his fingers again to catch my attention. “Can I trust you to get this done? You’re not gonna start squealin’, are ya?”

I laughed, shoving my hands in my pockets. “No fuckin’ way. I’m no snitch. Lemme get some action and then I’ll get right on it. You’ll have my cut ready when I come back, right?”

He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll have your cut. Fuck off already.”

With a mock salute, I sauntered off, eager to get home to Sam. This went better than I thought, and now I had the high to carry me all the way home. I barely got a taste of her before. I was gonna spend the rest of the night making Sam scream.



I was still riding high when I pulled up to the clubhouse. Eager to get to Sam. I barely remembered to put my bike on the stand before I was jogging around front. But before I could get inside, Reaper and Croy waylaid me. I beamed at them, lacing my fingers behind my head with a cocky grin.

“I’m in.”

Reaper scowled. “And high off your ass.”

I shrugged, but I couldn’t stop smiling. When it came to jobs, this was one of the better ones. Getting high with a purpose was fun.

Croy made an irritated noise. “My office. Now. I wanna know what happened.”

Side stepping the demon duo, I jerked my thumb towards the clubhouse. “I’m just gonna check on Sam real quick and–”

Reaper grabbed me by the back of my cut before I could walk away. “Like hell you are. You’re not going anywhere near her while you’re high. Sleep that shit off first.”

Dropping my weight, I slipped out of my cut and shirt, cackling when I got free. He was standing there holding my clothes like an idiot, and I dodged past him to get inside. I made it about two feet in the door before someone tapped me on the shoulder. I frowned, looking around, and Croy clocked me across the jaw, sending me sprawling. That fucker can punch and it left me disoriented on the floor until he and Reaper hauled me up, dragging me to his office.

Croy dragged a chair away from his desk, putting it up against the wall farthest from the door and Reaper forced me into it, throwing my shirt and cut in my face. Together, they stood over me, keeping me from leaving.

“Tell me what happened with Hammer.”

I scowled. They were ruining my high. “I said I’m in. Why you gotta be such an asshole? I just wanna see my girl and–”

“No. You don’t go near her while you’re high,” Reaper snapped. “Answer the damn question.”

With a frustrated growl, I sat back, crossing my arms over my chest. “This is bullshit. I did exactly what you said to do, and he fell for it hook, line, and sinker. All I gotta do is get him some product, and I’ll know where he’s hiding. I haven’t felt this good in ages, and I wanna see Sam.”

Croy rolled his eyes. “This is why I don’t let you idiots partake. Can’t get shit done without you bitchin’ at me for pussy or a hit. Fuckin’ focus, asshole. How much?”

“A pallet. I got two days. He said he’d have my cut when I’m through.”

Reaper smacked the back of my head, and I flinched and shrank away from him with a scowl. “What the fuck? What was that for?”

“You’re not getting a cut, you idiot. You’re doing the job so we can figure out where he’s hiding. Remember? You’re not playing for both sides.”

Rolling my eyes, I sat up. “I fuckin’ know that, man. You couldn’t pay me to leave my brotherhood. Or did my stint in the slammer not prove that shit?”

My high was wearing off and my knee started bouncing again. Assholes were ruining a good time.
