Page 68 of Devil's Craving

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He chuckled, and I heard the bedroom door close as he left. Leaning against the bathroom door, I bit my lip to stop the huge grin on my face. For the first time in days, I was in a good mood.

* * *

I spent half the night pretending to ignore Clink. I knew he was playing along, because whenever I glanced his way, he smirked and shot me a heated look that made my knees weak. He was trying to seduce me into coming to join him and it was fun to make him wait, even if I was squirming every time he looked at me like that. It wasn’t until a familiar blonde sat next to him that my resolve wavered.

She was the same blonde from the first night I came here, the one who kept trying to get Clink to go upstairs with her. Green filled my vision, and I turned away with a scowl.

“You okay?”

Riley was standing beside me with a drink in her hand, talking to one of the guys, but she turned her attention to me when she saw me scowl.

I tried shaking my head, but her gaze shifted over my shoulder and a dark look passed over her face. “Sam–”

“I saw. I don’t want to talk about it.”

She crossed her arms, irritation written on her face. “Has he claimed you?”

Biting my lip, I frowned at her. “I don’t know what that means.”

“Has he said you’re his? These guys are basically a bunch of cavemen, so they use simple words because they’re idiots,” she replied, lifting her eyebrows expectantly. My face flushed, and I nodded slowly. He called me his earlier today, but I wasn’t sure it meant anything outside of the fact that we were seeing each other. Riley seemed to think it was a bigger deal, though. She nodded once, her lips pressed into a thin line.

“Then Chrissie is overstepping. I can get her to back off, but she won’t really stop until you stand up for yourself. She’s a huge bitch and likes to try and claim anything with a pulse.”

When I glanced over my shoulder at Clink, Chrissie was hugging his arm, her giant boobs almost falling out of her dress as she pouted at him. He flashed her an irritated look, but she didn’t back off. It didn’t look like he appreciated her attention, which soothed something in me. I looked back at Riley.

“So what do I do?”

“Claim him back. Show her he’s yours. That’s what I did, anyway. She stormed off after I threw myself at Croy and he chose me over her.”

Embarrassment flooded me, and I glanced over my shoulder again. I wasn’t a shy person in general, but I hadn’t been in many relationships, and none serious enough to need to make a statement about it. But when Clink tried to push Chrissie off his arm and she squeezed him tighter, I saw red. Without another word to Riley, I made my way over to where Clink and Chrissie were sitting. Instead of yelling at her, I chose to be more obvious about it, dropping myself into Clink’s lap. I shot Chrissie a dirty look and turned to Clink with a smirk.

“Punishment over.”

That’s all the warning I gave him before I grabbed his vest and pulled him closer, fusing my lips to his.



Luckily, Clink took the bait. One arm wrapped around my middle, the other resting on my neck as his tongue slipped past my lips to duel with mine. Heat flooded my system, and I sank into it, almost forgetting my purpose until Chrissie tugged on Clink’s arm.

“Clink! We were talking first!”

He ignored her, which only spurred me on. She could complain all she wanted. He was mine and I don’t share.

Since she wouldn’t take the hint, I shifted my position until I was straddling him. I’d picked out the only dress I owned, since last time I felt seriously underdressed. I felt Clink’s grin as his hands slid up my thighs to rest on my ass under the dress. He pulled me closer until the ridge of his erection was right against the apex of my thighs.

Chrissie wasn’t backing down without a fight, letting out a frustrated noise. “Fine. We can all go upstairs, but you know I don’t do the whole woman thing. We can take turns and–”

I tuned her out, running my fingers through Clink’s hair. What started off as a bid to get her to back off was swiftly turning into something way hotter. Clink’s grip on my butt was tight, and he seemed to want to eliminate any space between us. It pressed the seam of his zipper against my clit and I couldn’t help rolling my hips to get more friction. Clink groaned, his hips lifting to encourage me, and I slowly fell into a rhythm, rocking against him.

In the few relationships I’d had when I was younger, I wasn’t really the adventurous type. The fact that we were in the middle of the crowded living room should’ve been embarrassing. Instead, I felt like my skin was on fire and all my focus was zeroed in on Clink, like we were the only two people in the room. It was thrilling, especially when his lips dragged from my mouth to whisper in my ear.

“You’re playing with fire, honey. I wanna be inside you so bad, I might just forget where we are.”

Biting my lip, I ground my hips against his, loving the growl that escaped him as he thrust up to meet me. My lower half was throbbing, and I was pretty sure my panties were so soaked that I was going to leave a mess on Clink’s jeans. And still I couldn’t stop. It felt too good, and I hadn’t been with him since that first night at my apartment.

I was getting close when his grip shifted, and he pushed to his feet without warning. I wrapped my arms and legs around him automatically, surprised, and he flashed me a wicked grin as he made his way toward the door, coming up short when someone grabbed his arm.
