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Since Robyn wasn’t going to leave on her own, I had a few officers join us, including two female ones, since I didn’t trust the woman not to claim assault. They had to manhandle her out of the building where the cops were already waiting thanks to a phone call from Luka. By the time I got back upstairs, Grayson looked like he was close to losing it. His face was flushed and his normally impeccable suit was in disarray, his tie loosened and the top two buttons undone. In Grayson speak, that was a meltdown, and I hated seeing him like that.

“She’s gone.”

He nodded while still rubbing his temples. Sitting in the chair across from him, I studied him carefully. Grayson and Luka were my family, and it pissed me off to no end when people messed with them. I wanted to comfort him somehow, but I wasn’t sure what would work best for him right now.

“Relax. I already told HR about what happened and they’re working on finding you a new secretary. It’ll be alright,” Luka commented, handing him a glass of whiskey from the mini bar in the corner. I scowled at him, getting up to grab Grayson a bottle of water instead. If he had a headache, alcohol wasn’t going to be helpful.

When Luka saw what I was doing, he rolled his eyes at me. “Health nut.”

“Says the guy who won’t touch a damn vegetable with a ten-foot pole.”

“Enough, both of you,” Grayson growled.

It wasn’t that I didn’t get along with Luka, we just liked messing with each other. We pulled pranks, made snarky comments, and competed on who could get the hottest chick at the bar. It was just how we rolled. For the most part, Grayson found it funny, but today wasn’t his day. He was too tired to deal with us.

“Sorry,” I muttered.

Letting out a slow breath, he shook his head and looked up at me. “It’s not you. It’s me. HR has already been on my ass about the frequent secretary turn around. They’re saying I’m the problem and if I don’t get someone to stick, they’re going to file complaints against me.”

Luka scoffed. “To who? You own the company.”

Grayson scowled at him. “That doesn’t mean I’m invincible. If they think I’m too difficult to work with, they can bring it up at the next shareholder meeting.”

It made very little sense, considering Grayson was the one who put this company together. He built it from the ground up, working in his parents’ garage until he could get off the ground. The thought of anyone taking that away from him seemed impossible and idiotic. Without him, the company would take a nosedive for sure.

“They’re the ones who are hiring the secretaries. It’s on them, not you,” I grumbled.

“Unfortunately, they don’t see it that way.”

“So let us choose instead,” Luka demanded.

Grayson frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, since they keep handing you duds and expecting you to put up with it, why not pick for ourselves and prove that they’re the problem, not us?”

I considered it. I wasn’t really part of hiring outside of the security guys, but I knew what to look for when it came to weeding them out. It wasn’t a terrible idea.

Grayson shook his head. “I don’t have time. The whole point of having HR is so that I could delegate the hiring to them. I’ve got a dozen meetings this week alone, not to mention doing the work that Robyn was hired to do. I’ll be lucky if I get home before midnight for the rest of the week.”

“He means me and him. You’re busy enough.”

Luka bobbed his head in agreement. “Exactly. We’re your best friends. We know who will work well with you. In the meantime, you can borrow my secretary. She’s not for keeps, she won’t enjoy putting up with your foul temper for long, but she’s good at what she does and never misses a phone call.”

Grayson looked like he wanted to refuse. That was just Grayson, though. He had to do everything on his own, to prove that he didn’t need any help. I reached across the desk and put my hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently.

“Let us help. We got this.”

Drawing in a deep breath, he relented. “Alright. I can probably get HR to agree to wait for a new hire for at least a week while you guys do your own research. If you need any help–”

“We won’t,” Luka assured him. “You heard Bennett. We got this. You get back to work and leave the hard stuff to us.”

He winked and Grayson’s dark look finally cracked, a smirk crossing his face as he shook his head. Luka was good at making people relax and I felt a little better about walking away now that Grayson didn’t look like he was about to fall apart. I patted his shoulder and followed Luka out, closing the office door behind me. Luka laced his fingers and stretched them in front of him.

“Alright, let’s do this thing.”

* * *

“We’ll let you know when a decision is made.”
