Page 46 of Secretary Seduction

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It was more of a beg than a command, but she followed my direction. Her back arched, her breasts thrusting against my chest, and her legs tightened around my waist. She drew in a breath and fell apart, dragging me right along with her.


With every rhythmic pulse of her body, I felt like she was wringing my release from me. It went on and on until I thought I was going to pass out. I groaned, doing my best to keep moving and draw it out for her. It wasn’t until she went lax and pliant beneath me that I finally stopped, panting against her neck.

“Holy shit, you’re perfect.”

She hummed but didn’t respond. I didn’t really expect her to. I’d keep pushing, though. One day, she was going to realize just how perfect she was. Hopefully, at that point, she won’t realize that she’s too good for me.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I wasn’t surprised by the lack of contact from Luka and Bennett that weekend. Not when they went home with Julie. I’d never admit that it hurt a little. We’d spent every weekend we could together and as much as I complained that I had work to get done, I missed the routine. My apartment felt lonely without them.

I was trying to distract myself with work when my front door opened.


Biting back a relieved sigh, I called out to him. “I’m in here.”

I heard the stomp of his boots as he came to join me in my office. “You’re gonna work yourself to death. You gotta slow down,” Bennett grumbled.

Looking up at him, I noticed the lack of tension in his shoulders and the smile that pulled at his lips, despite the fact that he was reprimanding me. Jealousy swept through me and I fought back a scowl.

“How’d it go?”

I hated myself for asking the minute it came out of my mouth. I couldn’t help myself, though. My refusal to join their little experiment had nothing to do with lack of interest and everything to do with my reliance on Julie at the office. I couldn’t afford to lose her. I probably would’ve argued against their intentions if I thought it’d make any difference. I got the paperwork from HR almost immediately after I sent the guys away on Friday. They weren’t going to be backing down on whatever it was they were doing with Julie, no matter what I had to say about it.

“Do you really want me to answer that?”

I grimaced. Of the two of them, Bennett could read me better than Luka could. Though I had my suspicions that Luka knew my feelings on the matter, given the smirk he gave me when he left on Friday.

“Not really, no. I was being polite. What are you doing here? I thought you’d still be with Julie.”

He shrugged, moving to sit on the couch. My office was by far the most used room in my entire condo. I learned to put extra seating in here for when the guys were over or they’d sit on the edge of the desk and pester me until we moved to the living room.

“She said she had stuff to do. I don’t want to smother her.”

I almost snorted. It was a common issue with him. He was affectionate to the point of being a little needy, and some women found it annoying. He was working on it and he didn’t mean any harm by it. He liked to be surrounded by his people. It kept his mind from wandering. It was why he was here so often. I didn’t mind his company as long as he didn’t spend the entire time bitching at me about not working.

“Wanna play a game?”

When I glanced up, he wasn’t looking at me. He was staring at his phone, probably arguing with himself about contacting Julie so quickly. I looked down at my paperwork and sighed. It wasn’t like this was high priority. Julie had done an excellent job powering through all the top priority issues and spreading them out a little so I could function better. Bennett needed me more than I needed to bury myself in paperwork all day.

“Yeah, I’d like that. What did you have in mind?”

We ended up playing a few hours of video games before we both got hungry. Unlike Luka, who could at least do the basics, Bennett can’t cook. He’s clumsy and makes too much of a mess for him to find the effort of learning worth it. Instead, he sat at the island and played with his phone while talking to me. I made extra in case Luka decided to head over, but the longer we went without hearing from him, the more suspicious I got.

“So this thing with you three. How does it work?”

He lifted his head with a frown. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, do you only get together as a threesome, or are you allowed to spend time with her on your own?”

“Oh. We didn’t really discuss it. But I got to be alone with her yesterday morning while Luka made breakfast. He said he’d have his turn later.” He shrugged.

I huffed out a laugh, shaking my head as I turned back towards the stove. “I’m surprised you’re willing to go down this path with him. You’ve never shown an interest in sharing before.”
