Page 24 of A Sinful Halloween

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“Don’t you dare. I won’t forgive you if you tell him that. I am all for your competition with each other and will participate in all of them, but this is off-limits, Dante.” She said sternly and I sighed but nodded.

“Fine. What my queen wants, my queen gets.” I said as Alejandro came into the kitchen.

“Please tell me you are not trying to one-up Liam by fucking in the Madden kitchen. The dinner table was risky enough.” He said with a heated glare at Serena. So, he caught that too.

She blushed as I kissed her cheek.

“I tried to convince her but alas, she talked some sense into me,” I said, covering our conversation. Alejandro studied me for a little too long and I knew he could see through the lie.

“We need to have a brief meeting then it is time to go. Ariana is getting tired.” He said.

“Okay. Let’s get this over with.” I said with a sigh, intent on wanting to celebrate this news as we followed him to the study with the others, my heart pounding with excitement and so much damn joy I thought I would explode.

I just hoped this meeting went quickly.

We said our goodbyes, Alejandro carrying a yawning Ariana out as we walked the few doors down the street to our home.

“Did Kenji get anything of importance?” I asked, genuinely curious about the Clara situation.

“Not yet. Other than what we already know. He is running some checks tonight. Benjamin has put the word out that anyone who deals with the Hydra is officially on the blacklist for the families. The Jokers are our eyes and ears on the streets and Killian will report back on anything out of the ordinary.” Liam said as he typed an email on his phone.

Alejandro unlocked the door and put Ariana on the couch where Deigo flopped next to her, reaching for the remote.

“Can we look at our costumes again one more time before bed Tio?” Ariana said softly and he nodded.

“Sure. Why don’t you go brush your teeth and get into your pajamas, check your costumes and I’ll read you a story.” He said and she leaped off the couch, flying up the stairs with enthusiasm.

He looked at me then Serena who was fidgeting with the end of her shirt.

“It looks like you want to tell us something.” He said to her and she gave him a half smile and a nod.

Theo locked onto her, but Liam continued to type an email.

“Hey. Officer Walker. You aren’t on duty anymore. Family time means no more phone. So help me, if you don’t put that thing down I will march into the station tomorrow and announce my undying love for you and share the photo I have of you locked in a passionate orgy with us.” I snarled and Theo snorted.

“You have a photo like that?” Serena said and I grinned.

“I might.” I lied, but they didn’t need to know that.

“You’re right. I’m sorry Sugar. I promise no more work as soon as I walk in the door.” He put the phone down and they all stared at her.

“So… I don’t know how to say this in the right way so I’m just going to say it. I’m pregnant.” She held her hands out from her sides as she looked at them and the room was silent.

“Bomboncita, you are sure?” Alejandro whispered and she nodded.

“I got the blood tests back today. I am definitely pregnant. The first scan is booked in two weeks.” She said tentatively and Theo frowned.

“But, I thought you were going tomorrow?” He said and she shrugged.

“I did a home test early then went yesterday for the blood test when I went shopping with Elsie.” She held her breath as it sank in for all of them.

“Fuck. We really are going to have a mini Dante running around the house.” Theo muttered and Serena laughed.

“I’m so damn happy. I don’t know what to do first. What do we get? How do you feel? You should sit down. Do we need to start going to parenting classes?” Theo said and Liam gripped his shoulders.

“Theo. You are the one that needs to sit down and take a breath.” He shook him a little as Theo stared at him and let out a long breath.

“yeah. You’re right. Calm. Fuck. We are going to be dads.” He said dreamily, a far-off look on his face as Alejandro pulled Serena to his chest, whispering in her ear.

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