Page 31 of A Sinful Halloween

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“I don’t like Halloween.” He said between gritted teeth.

“What happened?” I asked and Luca shot Aurora a look as she grinned.

“My brother and a couple of other guys decided to play a prank on Luca. He doesn’t like bugs. Specifically, beetles. So, they set up one of the rooms with a bunch of fake bugs in a net and when he came in after trick or treating, they fell all over him and his bag of candy. I have never heard Luca scream the way he did that day.” Aurora said as Fabian and I laughed.

“Come on. That was years ago. You have to enjoy it now.” I said as Luca grabbed a gladiator costume.

“Here. I’ll get this only because I can’t stand the idea of Connor being relentless about me not participating in the fun.” He stormed towards the checkout with a scowl.

Aurora laughed and rolled her eyes before wincing a little and clutching her stomach.

“Are you okay?” I asked and she sighed with a tight smile.

“Yeah. Just cramps. That time of the month and all.” She said and I stiffened. This called for the operation glitter bomb.

I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to the guys, getting an instant response from Kingston that he would get things ready at home and Caleb sent a quick reply a moment later that he would pick up ice cream and popping candy – a new favorite treat that Aurora had become obsessed with.

Luca glanced at me from the counter and nodded. We all knew that Aurora’s monthly cycles were painful due to her endometriosis and we had been on extra alert lately after she had decided to visit Elsie’s clinic.

When we paid for everything, Aurora went to grab the bags and Luca snatched them first.

“I’ll carry them.” He said and she narrowed her eyes before shrugging.

“Suit yourself.” She muttered.

“What costume did you get?” I asked Fabian and he grinned.

“Ghost from COD.” He said with a grin.

“Nice choice,” I said as we got into the car. I checked my phone and saw a message from Kingston.

Kingston: Bubbles are ready. Caleb is en route.

Kenji: *thumbs up*

Excellent. My plan was in motion.

“Kenji. You really don’t have to do this. It has been three days of nonstop pampering and I am starting to feel guilty.” Aurora said with a sigh as I massaged her feet.

“Stop it. My father used to do this for my mom all the time when she had a headache or a tough time of the month. I want to do this.” I said and she sighed but didn’t protest.

Her phone dinged and when she looked at it and chuckled, I figured it must have been the other women.

“What are you all up to?” I asked and she smirked.

“It would seem that the Maddens and Mendez boys think it is better to leave their women out of the loop with information so they are enlisting my help.” She said, typing a reply.

“What about?” I asked as I kneaded the arch of her foot. She let out a soft moan and I had to mentally picture a naked grandma to stop my dick from getting hard.

“That new gang that has surfaced. Elsie and Serena want to see what information they can find. Feel like doing some research?” She asked me and I kissed her calf.

“For you, always,” I replied before a blood-curdling scream echoed through the house.

“what the fuck?” Aurora said before we both went scrambling to the door, running through the house to the source.

As we came around the corner, we found a glaring Luca and Fabian with Agatha bent over laughing hysterically. Kingston was grinning and trying not to laugh as Caleb cleared his throat, running a hand over his face to hide the smile.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Luca snarled as Fabian and Agatha laughed harder.
