Page 32 of A Sinful Halloween

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“TRICK OR TREAT!” Fabian yelled before he and Agatha disappeared down the hallway in fits of laughter.

“What the hell happened?” I asked and Caleb sucked on his lips, trying to hold in the laughter.

“This,” Luca said as he dumped a bunch of fake beetles on the kitchen counter.

“That demon child and your grandmother,” He said as he stared at me, seething. “Thought it would be funny to put them in my gym shoes.” I glanced at Aurora who was trying hard not to smile.

“Ahhh. That scream was you?” I said, not sure what else to say.

“Damn you all. I am going to work out.” He muttered as he stomped off. We all stared at each other before laughing and Kingston leaned over the counter with a grin.

“I don’t know how many they got, but I saw the size of the box that got delivered this morning. Those two have definitely hidden more around the house.” He said with a grin.

“Oh boy. Luca is usually so calm and easy-going. Are we taking bets to see how long it is before he snaps?” Aurora said with a grin, and I held my hands up.

“Not me. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of his wrath when he does. I am gonna go work out with him, so I have an alibi.” I hurried after him, leaving the others laughing in the kitchen.

I found him in the weights section, sweat already dripping off his forehead as he angrily pushed the weights above his chest.

He dropped them and sat up from the bench, raising an eyebrow at me as he pushed his headphones off.

“Something funny?” Luca said and I shook my head, chewing on my lip.

“Not at all.” He rolled his eyes and gestured to the bench.

“I’m glad I am a source of entertainment for all of you. Come on. I’ll spot you.” I did a few movements to warm up while Luca adjusted the weights for me.

This had become our routine on the days we weren’t at Eric’s gym and something I enjoyed more than I let on. It wasn’t just the act of working out, it was also because this was a time for me and Luca to be alone together.

I had found myself often looking at him, admiring his physique and fantasizing about the kiss he had given me when he was teaching me how to kiss.

It was an unusual feeling, I loved Aurora and yet I found myself falling in love with Luca too. It terrified me.

I laid down on the bench beneath the bar, adjusting my position as I looked up at Luca. He smiled at me before I pushed the bar away, repping out with a warm-up weight.

We worked in silence, my body beginning to sweat as I continued to go up in weight.

“Are you ready to try to push your personal best?” Luca asked and I nodded, watching him put on an extra five kilos over my usual limit.

I licked my lips as I placed my hands on the bar, my fingers brushing his where he was holding it to spot me.

I met his eyes, feeling a sense of desperation at wanting to tell him how I felt and yet afraid it would make things awkward between us.

I pushed the bar, my muscles shaking as Luca counted out the reps.

“Come on. One more. You can do it.” He coached and I grunted as I pushed the bar above me before my arms almost gave out. Luca caught the weight of it, guiding the bar back into the rack.

I sat up with a grin, wiping my face from the sweat as Luca nodded.

“Well done. I’m proud of you.” He said, slapping my shoulder before he went over to grab some free weights.

I watched him for a while as he did his bicep curls, admiring the muscles in his arm as they bulged, the thick veins that ran down his arm into his hand.

I wondered what it would feel like to have those hands on me, wrapped around my neck or gripping my cock.

Luca cleared his throat and our eyes met in the mirror. He raised a brow at me and I looked away nervously.

What the hell was wrong with me? I had never really felt interested in men before but there was something about Luca that pulled at me.
