Page 40 of A Sinful Halloween

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“I am here to deliver a message. Poison is no longer a problem. The Russians have him in custody.” I watched as Benjamin visibly relaxed, eyeing me warily.

“Why are you involved in something so simple? It was only a small gang that we were taking care of.” Benjamin said, his tone defensive.

“Not fast enough and we didn’t want to take any chances this time after all the noise that has happened here in the past year,” I said pointedly and felt amusement at the way Benjamin held his tongue to bite back a response.

“I am also here to inform you that we are watching Clara who had a connection to Poison that we are still piecing together. She is working for someone within the Redvue company. We have her under surveillance.” Declan swore under his breath.

“So, we kill her,” Benjamin said as he looked at Alfie. I smiled, liking the way he thought.

“Unfortunately, no. She will be of better use to us alive. All the relevant information has been sent to Officer Walker to expose her. We expect you will do the right thing and keep her alive. We need to know who will contact her once she is revealed.” I turned to leave; mission complete.

“Why are you here in person? Usually, Katerina just calls.” Benjamin said and I turned back slowly, looking him in the eye.

“She wanted you to see me. I am her final message. If things ever get out of control again as they have been in the past year, the next time you see me will be when I end your life and that of those you love.” I walked away, ignoring the questions coming from the others as I got into my car.

I considered the woman from my past, the woman who was now haunting my every move and threatened to plunge me into a darkness from my past that I thought I had overcome. I decided to visit her again, just one last time before we put our plans in motion and she became yet another chess piece in my boss’s game when my phone rang.

“Katerina,” I said, wondering what I did wrong to get two calls in a night.

“You have to come back. Tonight.” She said.

“Why?” I asked as I pulled up to the lights, waiting to see which way I needed to turn. Left to my present life or right; back to the past for one more night of guilty pleasure.

“He made his decision. He is going to turn himself in.” And with that, I had no choice but to turn left, back to the life that I chose, back to my bloody world of pain and emptiness.

Back to the Bratva.

The End
