Page 108 of Illicit Monster

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"Those assholes in London lost track of him."

"How did that happen? He's a fucking little weasel," I state.

Brogan grunts. "He may be, but that weasel somehow disappeared."

"He can't just disappear. He's got to be somewhere. Track his phone," I order.

"We have. It's turned off. There's no signal anywhere, and there hasn't been for the last day."

"The last day? Why are ya just telling me this now?" I bark.

Brogan sighs. "I thought we would've found him. Like ya said, he's a little weasel."

I run my hands through my hair, tugging at it, staring out the window into the New York skyline. Normally, the hustle of the city calms me, but right now, nothing can.

Maeve's da needs to stay away from her. I told him not to leave London. I can only hope that maybe he's dead.

I ask, "Have ya looked for his body?"

Brogan answers, "Of course we have. There's no trace of him in the apartment or any indication of a fight. There's nothing in there. It's like he packed up everything and left."

"Packed up? He didn't have anything to pack up. I dropped him off in London with nothing," I admit.

Brogan stays silent.

"There has to be some trace of Malachy. He's not that smart."

Brogan claims, "Don't worry, we're on it."

"You better get on it faster," I bark, then hang up and put my phone in my pocket. I cross my arms and continue staring out into the morning sky.

I'm lost in my thoughts when Maeve pulls me out of my trance. In an angry, shaking voice, she says, "You knew where my da was, and now he's missing?"

My gut drops. I turn toward her, asking, "Who said anything about your da?"

She glares at me and puts her hand on her hip. "I heard ya say my da's name when I opened the bedroom door. You ordered whoever you were talking to, to find him. What's going on?"

Good. She didn't hear me say I dropped him off in London.

She'll hate me if she finds out.

My chest tightens. She may be angry at me, but I also see her fear. I wish she didn't care about that bastard. All he has ever done is put her in compromising positions and use her. I don't know why she can't see that. He may be her blood, but he's never done a lick of good for her. She's so much better off without him.

"Tell me," she orders.

I step closer and reach for her.

She steps back. "Don't touch me right now, Tynan. I mean it."

I put my hands in the air. "Calm down, princess."

"Don't call me princess when you're hiding things about my father. Now, I want to know the truth," she demands, blinking several times. Her eyes glisten, and I hate it.

My heart pounds harder. "I'm not lying. I don't know where he is."

"But ya did know where he was?"

I debate for a minute.
