Page 126 of Illicit Monster

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He chuckles and then starts to cough. When he recovers, he shakes his head. "There's no catch. I need someone over here anyway. I was going to bring two of ya back. It can't be Brody and Alaina. And Aidan and Scarlet are thriving in Belfast. I decided ya and Devin are the best choices to take over the New York operations."

Excitement rushes through my veins. "You're being serious?"

"Aye, I am. I can't live forever, ya know," he declares.

I study him, wanting to make sure he's being serious. "So I just have to go back to Ireland, take care of my businesses, and figure out how to transition things?"

He nods. "Aye, I'll help ya do it."

More surprise fills me. "Ya will?"

"Aye. You've got my word, but ya must handle your business and other problems. Malachy won't stop causing issues even if Dagan and Grady are taken care of. Her da needs to go."

"I know. I don't want to hurt Maeve, but he doesn't have her best interests at heart."

"A man who doesn't have his daughter's best interests at heart is not a man who deserves to be anywhere near the women in our family," Dad states.

"Well, for once, we fully agree on something," I say.

He chuckles again. "Only took close to forty years."

I grin. "I guess so."

He pats me on the back. "Take care of your responsibilities, son."

I claim, "I can't go right now. I need to wait a couple more weeks."

He sighs. "Why is that?"

I shake my head, releasing a frustrated breath. I admit, "Maeve's never done anything for herself. She's taking classes with Arianna right now. She really is thriving here. Just give her a couple more weeks and then we'll return to Ireland. I promise."

Dad thinks for a moment. Then he says, "You better call your brothers, then. Get them to agree to handle things for you the next few weeks while you're gone. You left them in a lurch, and they stepped in, but they shouldn't have. I told them to let your shit fall."

"They won't do that. I wouldn't do that to them," I point out.

"Aye, but ya still deserved it," Dad asserts.

"Maybe I did, but we needed to leave Ireland when I did."

He stares at me.

I sigh. "Look, Dad, I understand what you're saying. I'll call my brothers. I'll work it out, but ya can't go back on your word. If I go back, we start making a transition plan. I don't want to stay there for the rest of my life."

He takes a final puff of his cigar and blows the smoke. "Okay, then. The world's your oyster, but take care of your shit." He pats me on the back and leaves the room.

The remnants of his smoke hang in the air, and I inhale it deeply, appreciating it like I never have before.

My dad's tough. He's sometimes harsh, but he has always been a great role model for me. Now that I know he's given me his word to bring me back to New York, I'm going to do everything I can to make it happen quickly.

And I don't know how Devin and Lauren will feel, but I'm confident Maeve will be okay with it.

I just have to find her da, kill him, and make sure that she never knows I'm the one who pulled the trigger.



"You still can't get ahold of him?" Arianna asks.
