Page 154 of Illicit Monster

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"Well, it's not who ya want it to be," Da sneers. He takes another sip of his whiskey out of the bottle, then answers the call, "I'm on my way."

Silence fills the air. I debate if I could hop out of the car, but we're on the motorway. I'd surely die.

Da says, "I got her. My contract will be fulfilled."

Emotions pummel me. A tear rolls down my cheek.

Did he really sign me away in a contract?

Is this really my da who I've loved and taken care of all these years, and now he's delivering me to the enemy?

Da hangs up and states, "Ya were never meant to be an O'Connor. Fucking sleazebags." He moves his seat back farther. He takes another sip of his bottle, then adds, "Must be nice driving this car and having the best of everything at your fingertips."

I cry out, "I only have this because ya put me here. Ya made a bet with Tynan. Ya didn't even think twice about your little agreement with him."

Da grunts, "I told ya, it was short-term. It's not your long-term situation."

The hairs on my neck rise. I shouldn't ask, but I do. "And what type of situation is that?"

He shakes his head. "With the O'Learys, where you're always supposed to be. How can ya even ask me that? I raised ya better."

I knew he was taking me to the O'Learys, but it once again fills me with horror. I beg, "Please, Da. It's the alcohol talking. I know ya love me."

"I do love ya, and that's why I'm taking ya to the O'Learys."

"Da, please. Ya don't know what you're doing. You're drunk."

Before I know it, his palm slams into my cheek.

"Ow," I cry, taking my hand off the wheel and putting it over the sting.

Da snarls, "I'm tired of ya sassing me. I told ya to drive. And ya better get it through your head. Your job is to be loyal to me and the O'Learys, not to the O'Connors."

I swallow hard, trying to stop my tears, wondering how this monster in front of me is someone I could have ever loved.

He's drunk. He's not himself, I tell myself again, but it's getting harder to believe.

There's a saying that drunken words are sober thoughts. I never believed it in the past. I know how Da is when he wakes up and the alcohol's worn off a bit.

Plus, he's normally not this bad. This is another level of craziness.

But what did he mean that Tynan took him to London?

He wouldn't have done that.

He promised me he'd take care of him.

My gut tells me I'm wrong. Tynan kept telling me he didn't have information on Da this entire time, but I knew he was hiding something.

Maybe I should be mad at my husband, but then I stare at Da, breathing in his stench, and I can't be.

There's a reason Tynan kept me from him.

He knew what was best for me.

I can't let Da hand me over to the O'Learys.

I try again, "Da, let's go back to Belfast. I'll get ya a house. I'll pay off your debt, get ya a shower to clean up, and a meal. Please."
