Page 159 of Illicit Monster

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I turn to my brothers and order Brody, "Drive faster."



My mouth's dry from the cloth the thug shoved into it. Aches grow stronger in my shoulders and arms from the tight rope securing them behind my back. The wooden chair digs into my spine.

I've never been so afraid. I turn my head and stare at my da, who's snoring on a cot.

How could he do this to me?

What did I do to make him hate me so much?

He gave me to Tynan, but it's like he's holding it against me.

More tears stream down my cheeks, and I wish I could swipe them away, but I can't. My da's form turns blurry. And I wonder again how he's fallen so far.

Ma would never have let him do this...whatever this is. I still don't know what the contract he keeps mentioning means.

What exactly did he promise in it?

And which of the O'Learys did he promise me to?

It's not to either of these thugs. They've been cautious to tie me up, and that's it. They've gotten a few phone calls. Each time, they just say, "Okay, boss." But which boss are they talking about?

I don't even know who's left in the O'Leary clan. So many men have died. The last I knew, Dagan and Grady were fighting for the top position.

Is it one of them?

Maybe they're not even alive anymore. Maybe it's somebody I don't even know.

But how can Da sign me away when I'm already married to Tynan? What could they possibly expect to get from me?

Horrible thoughts I've tried to not think about race through my head, scaring me even more. I sniffle, trying to stop the barrage of emotions, but I can't. Within seconds, I'm sobbing.

"Crying's not going to get ya anywhere," one of the thugs states.

I ignore him, crying harder, and my chest heaves. I choke on the gag.

The thug comes over and removes it, warning, "Don't kill yourself."

It takes a while until I finally stop. He tries to shove it back into my mouth, but I move my head.

His phone rings, and he steps back.

I sniffle and look away, not wanting the gag back in.

"Don't worry, boss," he reassures.

I glance over at him.

He slides his phone in his pocket and nods to the other thug.

They walk toward the door, open it, and step into the hallway. They slam the door shut, and it echoes. I glance around at the empty, windowless, cold cell.

Where am I?

I think I'm underground. They dragged me down a set of stairs, and the floor is dirt. There's only one barely lit lightbulb above my head.
