Page 170 of Illicit Monster

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"Princess, wake up, sunshine," Tynan coos.

It takes me a moment for me to open my eyes. I move my head closer to him.

He kisses me on the lips and then announces, "We're home."

I look around the SUV. Nobody's in it. I ask, "Where is everyone?"

"They're inside. I didn't want ya to be scared when ya woke up."

For some reason, I laugh. "Scared? I'll never be scared around your family. It's mine I have to worry about."

He stares at me.

My voice shakes, and a tear falls as I add, "Had to worry about." I wipe the back of my hand over my cheek.

Tynan pulls me back into him.

"I'm so sorry," I cry out.

He shushes me again, claiming, "Ya have nothing to apologize for, Maeve."

Anger, sadness, and relief fill me. I ramble, "I do. I'm sorry I left. Da finally called me. I had been so worried about him, but I shouldn't have been, should I?" I start crying again.

"Shhh," Tynan soothes, trying to calm me, but it's another emotional wave trying to pull me under.

He lets me cry, holding me tight, and then says, "Let's go inside, Maeve. We can take a hot shower and go to bed. Okay?"

I don't argue.

He leads me out of the car and into the house.

Alaina steps out of Brody's office as we pass it. "Maeve, are ya okay?" she asks, concern lacing her voice.

"Yea. I'm fine."

"I'm so sorry."

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything."

Guilt fills her expression. She declares, "It was my brothers."

I retort, "It was my da."

Silence hangs between us. I suppose if anyone can relate to me, it's Alaina. And I know her da wasn't a keeper either.

Tynan states, "I'm taking Maeve upstairs to bed. We can talk later. Okay, Alaina?"

Her voice softens. "Sure." She hugs me, then adds, "I'm here if ya need to talk."


Tynan leads me up the stairs and into our room.

We go into the bathroom, strip down, and shower. He shampoos and conditions my hair and washes me with soap. He does the same for himself, then we get out. He dries me off, puts a towel around his waist, then picks up my comb.

"I can do that," I offer.
