Page 45 of Illicit Monster

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Maeve blurts out, "Tynan won't let my da come to the wedding. I want him to walk me down the aisle."

I toss her a dirty look. This isn't an example of how to be a good wife. She better start having my back at all times, not throw me under the bus.

"Seems like a normal request," Dad declares.

I point out, "I don't want that drunk gambler at our event. Plus, he's an O'Leary."

Dad adds, "An O'Leary who gave ya permission to marry his daughter."

I scowl. I'm once again cornered. If I point out he lost his daughter in a bet, I'm admitting it's not exactly an arranged marriage, and the lies Maeve and I have told will be exposed, even though Dad isn't stupid. He knows we're both lying.

Maeve's voice quivers. She says, "Tully, please tell Tynan that my da's invited. It's not fair if I don't get to have him there."

Dad continues to stand in the doorway, not budging an inch. He arches his eyebrow at me. "Are ya really going to upset your bride? Not a great way to start a marriage."

I've reached my limit of my dad sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. I argue, "I'm not having an O'Leary at the wedding. Especially one who can't control himself."

"It's my da," Maeve insists.

I point out, "Alaina and Scarlet's da wasn't at their wedding, neither was Lauren's."

"Because they're dead," Maeve states.

My father's lips twitch. "She's got a point."

"Are ya serious right now?" I ask him.

Maeve comes closer, and her voice turns to sugar. She does it anytime she wants Dad on her side. "Tully, please tell Tynan my da will be at the wedding. I'm not asking for a lot. He'll behave, and ya know he doesn't pose any threat to any of ya. If anything, he'll be scared of your wrath."

My dad stays quiet and looks at me again.

She adds, "I'll make sure he knows he has to behave."

I reiterate, "The answer's still no."

"Then I'm not marrying ya," Maeve declares.

Anger fills me. I call her bluff. "Fine. Don't."

Her lips quiver and she glares harder. "Fine. I'll leave the house today. We can get divorced."

Tense silence thickens as neither of us flinches, yet her cheeks grow redder, and her lips quiver faster.

Dad interjects, "This is an easily solvable problem. No need to break up the nuptials."

I give him another nasty look. He should be on my side, just like she should. Yet, once again, I'm the odd man out.

And I'm getting tired of being in this position.

Maeve blinks hard, her eyes glistening.

I almost cave, but I'm not having that man at our wedding.

Dad asserts, "Are ya really going to lose your bride over this? Besides, we can control him when he's on our turf. Nothing's going to happen."

Maeve puts her hand on my arm. "He's right. Please. I want my da to walk me down the aisle."

"It's not an unreasonable request," Dad repeats.
