Page 88 of Illicit Monster

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I toss my card down, and Carter runs over. He grabs my card, runs it, and I sign.

I rise and reach for Maeve. She stands, and I guide her out of the restaurant and into my car, where my driver is waiting.

He opens the door, and I motion for Maeve to get in. She does, and I slide next to her.

As soon as the engine starts, Maeve blurts out, "Have ya ever been to a sex club?"

I freeze.

She taunts, "Cat got your tongue?"

I carefully ask, "Why are ya asking me that?" I don't want her getting mad at me again like she did when I told her I don't know how many women I've slept with.

"Ya have, haven't ya?" she asserts.

I decide the truth is the only answer. "Aye, I have."

"How many times have ya been there?"

My chest tightens. I arch my eyebrows. "Why?"

She tilts her head, accusing, "Ya lost track, didn't ya?"

My heart beats faster. I just stare at her in silence.

Her eyes widen. She blurts out, "It's a daily activity for ya, isn't it?"

I grunt. "Daily thing? No, but there's business at the club."

Her eyes narrow. "Business?"

I nod. "Aye. All the crime families go to the club."

"Is that how it works in Ireland too, and I just don't know about it?" she asks.

"No, only New York. Everything is different here, love."

Love. Why the fuck did I just call her love? What is with me and that word? I reprimand myself again.

She studies me closer. "So ya have a membership?"

I shrug. "I guess ya can call it that."

"What did ya have to do to get it?"

I chuckle.

"What's so funny?"

I stop laughing. "Nothing. I'm an O'Connor. It's like I'm grandfathered in."

"They grandfather ya into a sex club so ya can go shag a bunch of women?" she asks.

"Aye," I state, but an uncomfortable feeling fills my chest.

She continues, "So ya like to have sex in front of other people?"

I grab her hand, pick it up, and kiss it. I declare, "You're asking a lot of questions. It seems like your truth is up."
