Page 17 of Tricked by my Ex

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“None of them?” He leaned away, pressing his back against the chair as he blew out a breath and laughed like he couldn’t believe it. “Really?”

“Not one.” I’d stayed away from anything he was starring in, assuming that watching him on the big screen might hurt more.

“Wow. Do you mind if I ask you why?” He wasn’t trying to be a dick or have his ego fed with the question. Tyson was genuinely wondering how I could have avoided seeing him in his element.

“I didn’t think I could handle it,” I said, deciding to be brutally honest.

He had come here to give me closure after all.

“Seeing me, it hurts you?”

His expression twisted, and I wanted to reach across and comfort him. It was a habit. Albeit an old one, but still.

“It used to.”

“And now?” he pushed, but I wasn’t ready to spill all my emotions on the table between us when he’d given me nothing in return.

“I don’t know,” I said. “I don’t know how I feel.”



Well, that made one of us because I sure as hell knew how I felt. I wanted this woman back in my life. It had to happen, or I’d never recover… never forgive myself.

“Why did you come to the party tonight, Tyson?” she asked me point-blank.

“I told you the truth earlier. I came to see you.”

“I know you said that.” She stumbled on her words before reaching for her water and taking a sip. “But why? What do you want?”

A lump formed in my throat, and I attempted to swallow around it. “You said you wanted closure.”

I fucking hated that word.

“Uh-huh,” she said, barely audible.

“Well, I don’t.”

Her eyes pulled together, revealing her confusion.

“I don’t want closure, Eve. I don’t want to move on. I don’t want you to get over me.”

“What do you want then?” Her voice was shaky, just like my heart was.

I’d been in movies with A-list actors who were well respected in Hollywood, and I’d never been this nervous.

“I want to apologize. Tell you how fucking sorry I am. How I’ve thought about you every single day, but I didn’t know how to tell you that without sounding like a self-absorbed prick. How, once too much time passed, I didn’t know how to get it back. I always figured it was too late. But wanting you, missing you, it’s never gone away. And I’ve finally realized that it never will.”

I pushed out of the chair and walked around the table to where she sat, her hazel eyes watering. I dropped to my knees and reached for her hands. She let me hold them. God, they were soft.

“I came here tonight to see you. To see if you still loved me at all, the way that I still love you.”

Reaching for the back of her neck, I pulled her toward me, my lips meeting hers with years of pent-up passion. Our tongues touched, and I swore my dick grew ten sizes in that moment.

Eve pulled away just as quickly, however, breaking the kiss. I had known it wouldn’t be that easy to convince her.

“Wait,” she said breathlessly. “Tyson”—she pushed at my body, making me almost fall backward—“you can’t just show up after seven years and pick up where we left off.”
