Page 28 of Tricked by my Ex

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JJ never had a problem with meeting men. And they most definitely didn’t look past her or not see her whenever we were in public together. She had them doing double takes and chasing after her.

“Scout’s honor.” She threw up a hand before sitting down on my couch, and I followed suit.

“Let me see some pictures,” I said, and she quickly scrolled through her phone before handing it to me.

“Wait.” I swallowed the laugh that wanted to come out. “What was this from?”

“The night I went out with the girls,” she said, and everything she had said made sense.

The girls were wearing practically nothing. There was so much skin on display that there was little left to the imagination. Small strips of fabric covered their private areas, and that was about it.

JJ, on the other hand, was wearing ripped jeans and a tank top. She looked hot as hell, if you asked me, but men were always looking for what they considered to be the easiest conquest or the best time. JJ looked like the least of those things in comparison.

“JJ,” I said with a smile as I handed her back her phone, “look at that photo. What do you see?”

“A bunch of hot bitches,” she said.

“Agreed. But look at your outfit compared to theirs.”

She did as I’d asked and shrugged a shoulder at me. “You know I don’t dress like that.”

“I know you don’t. But I’m saying, if you’re a single guy, in Vegas of all places, which girl are you chasing?”

She rolled her eyes at me and threw her phone on the ground. “Whatever. Screw Vegas and stupid men. Let’s talk about your perfect boyfriend. How’s the long-distance working out?”

Hearing her refer to Tyson as my boyfriend made a grin spread across my face that I couldn’t stop if I tried. I was in deep… already.

“It’s not that bad, honestly. The worst part is the time difference. That part sucks.”

To my surprise, I was actually enjoying the time apart. We texted throughout the day, and there was always a video message waiting for me when I woke up in the morning. Long-distance wasn’t as bad as everyone always said it was. Then again, ours had an end date, so maybe that was why it seemed so tolerable.

“You don’t miss him like crazy?” JJ asked before pushing off the couch and heading toward the kitchen. “I need caffeine. You want anything?”

“I’m good. And, yeah, of course I miss him, but this is kind of nice actually. It’s forcing us to talk and get to know each other all over again. It’s kind of fun, talking about our days and the people we interact with. I feel like we’re rebuilding our friendship.”

“Is he different? I mean, different than he used to be?” She sat back down next to me, a diet soda in her hand.

“Yes, and no,” I answered before trying to explain what I meant. “He’s still the same, but he’s changed too. I think it’s the business he’s in and all he’s gone through since we’ve been apart. He’s had so much success and fame. There’s no way that doesn’t change you a little bit. But at the core of who he is, he’s still that guy I fell in love with when I was nineteen.”

“I’m sure you’ve grown too. Not in a bad way,” she said, but I honestly didn’t feel like I’d really changed all that much.

Sure, I was successful and ran my own company, but I was still me. The girl who loved Star Wars andStranger Thingsand saw colors and shapes in my head. The girl who had fallen for the charming boy back in college and never quite got over him.

“I’m really happy for you,” she said, and even though I’d never once questioned that, it was still nice to hear.

“Thank you.”

She started tapping a finger on her lips. “Now, which one of Tyson’s friends should I date?”

I laughed, and JJ shot me a look that let me know she wasn’t joking.

“You’re not kidding, are you?”

“Why would I be kidding?” she asked before reaching for the phone she’d thrown and typing with both hands. “Ooh, he’s cute.” She quickly turned the screen toward me, but the only thing I saw was that she was on Tyson’s Instagram.

I missed whoever it was that she was referring to. She went on that way for the next ten minutes until I was convinced that she had half of Hollywood on a list in her head.

My phone rang out with a video notification as I was lying in bed. It was only eight p.m., but I was bingeing a show, and I couldn’t seem to stop. Glancing down, I saw Tyson’s face on my screen. I did the math quickly, knowing that it was four in the morning in London.

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