Page 24 of The Nanny Proposal

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After pulling on his own pajamas, Grant turned toward the bed… and flushed adorably. “This is a mess.”

He was right. The fitted sheet had popped off one corner of the mattress, and the flat sheet was a sweat-damp ball thrown off to one side.

“I don’t think I’ve ever…” He swallowed and blinked at me.

“Never trashed a bed during sex?” I teased, unable to stomach the feelings his sweet insecurity raised in me. “That can’t be right, Dr. Brighton.”

His blush deepened as he began to efficiently strip the bed. I grabbed a new set of sheets from the linen closet in the bathroom, and the two of us worked together wordlessly to finish the task.

At length, he said quietly, “It’s… different with men.”

I nodded slowly as I slipped a pillow into a fresh case. I didn’t want to startle him in case he was in the mood to open up to me. “Different bad or different good?”

He shrugged. “It’s not really a good or bad thing, but I…” Grant’s eyes flicked over to me before looking away again. “I liked it. With you. I… I like being able to…”

My heart felt like a blender on too high a setting. If I wasn’t careful, it was going to turn everything to a mushy pulp. “Being able to…?” I asked gently.

“Let go. Be a little rough. Not worry about…” His eyes flicked up again, but this time, they stayed on mine. “About what you’d think of me if I…” He let out a soft chuckle. “If I lose control.”

My chest pinched. I wanted to tell him he could let go with me anytime, but more than that, I wanted to tell him he should never be afraid of letting go in bed. If he was with a partner who didn’t like it, well then, he was with the wrong partner.

“I like it, too,” I said instead. “A lot.”

He smiled and reached for the fresh fitted sheet before unfurling it in the air between us. We continued to make the bed together, a strangely intimate moment of domesticity I liked a little too much.

Once the bed was made, we fell into it and naturally gravitated toward each other until I was pressed tightly against Grant with his fingers drawing light shapes along my back.

“Thank you for being here,” Grant said in a low voice. “In… in every way.”

I leaned up and pressed a kiss to the edge of his jaw. It wasn’t enough, so I moved my mouth and pressed another one to his chin, and then his cheek… and nose, and eyebrows, grateful that I got to live this moment. That I was able to kiss him as much as I liked. Before long, we were kissing each other with a hunger I’d never felt before. It made me nervous and excited all at once. Why did this feel so different with him than with anyone I’d ever been with?

Grant arched up into me, pressing his hard cock against my stomach. I wanted him again, only this time, I wanted more.

“Can I suck you off this time?” I breathed against his throat. “Please?”

I wanted to feel the heavy weight of him on my tongue, get to know the hot length of him, the taste of him.

The deep rumble of his laugh vibrated through my chest. “Has any man ever said no to that question?”

I moved down his chest, licking and sucking everywhere, learning the planes of his body and memorizing it all in case this was suddenly yanked away from me. It was still unclear to me what his intentions were long-term. Did he think this was only for the rest of the school year? Or longer? What would it take for him to consider something more? Something permanent?

When I got to the waistband of his pajama pants, I slowed down to tease him. I wanted him desperate and begging, writhing with need the way I felt every time he touched me.

“What…” He sucked in a breath as my tongue ran a lazy path down his happy trail. “What are you doing?”

I smiled against his skin but didn’t answer. Grant’s fingers threaded into my hair. “Fucking Christ, that… that’s amazing.” The groan he let out went straight to my dick, and my mouth filled with saliva.

I wasn’t sure which of us I’d been teasing most.

I pulled down the waistband and inhaled before sucking the tip of his cock into my mouth and swirling my tongue around it. When he’d started sucking me off earlier, I’d lost my mind. I wanted to give him that same feeling. I wanted him to lose himself.

In me.

The noises he made as I licked and sucked and stroked him sent me right to the edge of my own release as well. My mind was a vat of colorful static as I raced toward both of our completions.

“Brody, baby,fuck,” he cried, thrusting into my mouth and tightening his fingers in my hair. As soon as the warm tang of his orgasm hit the back of my throat, I shoved my hand into my own pants and stroked myself once, twice, and then I was coming.

The colorful static burst into shooting stars as the muscles in my body contracted deliciously and then relaxed. The sound of my ragged breathing filled the room as I rolled off him onto my back on the bed.

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