Page 24 of Caged Fae

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“You’re incredibly bold for a halfling. You don't mince your words, and you speak to us as if you’re our equal,” Riven said. “How long do you think that’s going to work for you? How long until we get bored of your insolence?”

My fingers worked the oil into Haelo’s chest, all the while his eyes remained on my face. I could feel Riven, Cadoc, and Erix’s gaze on my back, and I had a feeling that the four of them were somehow communicating without words, because every so often, Haelo would nod absently. I was getting sick of secrets.

“I suppose we’ll find out, won't we?”

“Did you ever meet your mother, Kyre?” Haelo asked without warning. His tone was surprisingly conversational and simply curious. But nothing with faeries was ever simple.

I stilled. “What does that have to do with anything?” Why was he asking about my mother? A woman who had never actually been in my life. A woman who I, apparently, favored so much that Reena couldn’t stand to even look at me.

“Humor me.” He ran a knuckle down the very center of my chest, dipping between my breasts that were nearly exposed in the sheer dress.

I’d never met my mother, and though the king had spoken of her often, I only knew so many things about the woman who’d fled the kingdom the moment I was born. I might not even be able to pick her out of a crowd save for the flaming locks of hair she passed down to me.

I shook my head and resumed massaging his skin, working it into his thigh muscles now. “My father once said she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever laid eyes on, and that the moment he saw her he fell in love. It didn't matter that he already had a queen. She left before I can remember. Queen Reena was the only mother I’ve ever known.”

I must have made some kind of face because Haelo tilted his head. “And you disliked the queen. Your stepmother.”

“You already know that she exiled me for being a halfbreed bastard the moment my father’s body turned cold. Of course, I hated her. She’s a jealous old bitch, and she always loathed me. But like I said, what does this have to do with anything?”

“There’s more to it than that,” he said, pushing for something specific. I was resolved to answer truthfully in case he already knew the answer. I didn’t want to take a chance only to be punished for lying.

“Fine,” I said, settling back on my heels and corking the bottle of oil before setting it on the ground by Haelo’s feet. “I realize that I don't have actual proof, but I know she’s the one who poisoned Drystan. She wanted him out of the way when my father died. She always wanted to rule and practically had my father wrapped around her finger. He did anything she asked, and she sat in on his war council along with advisors. I think she exiled me before I could find out how she managed to get my brother out of the way, but I never stopped searching for a cure. She ordered the guard to arrest me if I came within range of the castle grounds. She was hiding something, and I was so close to figuring out what.” Clearing my throat, I glanced at the floor, memories of my desperate search curdling my stomach. “I’m done talking about this…so please drop it.”

“Clearly, our little pet has a lot to think about,” Haelo said tauntingly.

“I have a name.” Everytime they called mepet, something inside me died a little bit more. “As I recall, you insisted I give it to you and I refused. But now you know exactly who I am even if it is against my will. So why don’t you start using it?” It came out harsher than I’d intended, but there was no taking the words back.

Haelo tilted his head in an animalistic manner. “You know I could have you whipped for speaking to me like that.” My heart dropped into my gut. He wouldn’t….

Then Riven, ever so bored and casual, said, “I could use something interesting to liven up this dull evening. What do you think, Cad? Perhaps a good whipping might make her understand her place.” He was grinning, his eyes alight with anticipation.

I was already backing away, flitting my eyes to Cadoc, who was climbing out of the pool, his massive wings unfurling behind him as he began to approach me. Water sloshed off of his dark skin, glittering in the candle light.

Kicking the vial of oil over on the floor, I held my hands in front of me. “Don’t you fucking touch me.” I spat the words as if I had any control over what these princes did or didn’t do. Truth was, I was utterly at their mercy, and I loathed the way my thighs started to ache as I pictured the four of them standing around me… That dream flashed before my eyes. The chains, the warm touch of Erix’s hand on my skin.

Before I could run, Cadoc flung out his hand, sending a smoke rope toward me until it coiled around my torso, not as tightly as it had before, but enough that I couldn’t move. He tugged, and the rope twirled me inwards until I crashed into his hard chest, my back against his warm skin. His hand curled around my throat but didn’t squeeze. “I can think of a few ways to occupy this loose tongue of yours.”

My breath came in sharp pants as his other hand skimmed over my bare shoulder, shoving the strap of my dress off where it hung at the elbow. Riven, Erix, and Haelo watched with rapt attention, their bright eyes drinking in the sight of Cadoc’s claws caressing my skin. Despite the fear icing my veins, I could feel every nerve light up with energy, buzzing like magic under my skin. His touch was beyond tantalizing, but the scrape of his claws was only a barely-there whisper of pain.

Was I really enjoying this? I had my answer immediately as a small moan slipped from my parted lips. Cadoc’s chest rumbled against my back, and something hard poked against my ass.

His hand skimmed lower, until his palm was dragging down my abdomen, his claws curling against the sheer fabric of my dress. I felt his lips against my ear, his hot breath blowing the hairs at the nape of my neck. “How would you like your punishment?” The end of the smoke rope continued to coil around me. “The whip?” My body froze, realizing which whip he was referring to. “Or something more…” he licked the shell of my ear, and a shiver rolled through my whole body, “...thrilling?”

“Would you look at her, Riv?” Haelo asked in a breathy whisper, his white eyes dancing along my exposed neck and shoulder. “Exquisite, isn’t she? For a halfling, I mean.”

I bristled, narrowing my eyes as Riven only laughed, waving his hand at him. “I’ve seen better. In fact, the pixie on my cock last night was more enthusiastic, and much less combative.” He stroked his short beard. “Though this one does have potential, I suppose. Perhaps with a little…breaking, we could mold her into a semblance of a respectable faerie.”

“I’m right here, you damn beasts,” I spat, “You can fuck pixies all you want, but I refuse to be your whipping girl.” I relaxed in his arms, hoping it would buy me just the smallest amount of sympathy. Not likely, though. “If you want to fuck me, then you’re gong to have to ask nicely.” The words burned my tongue, but I meant them. I had a decision to make here. My safety and Drystan’s depended on what I made of myself in this place. If I had to fuck every prince of the Wild Hunt, then I would.

There was a moment of silence between them as my words settled around us. For a moment, I wondered if they were going to just send me away, laughing at me as I fetched them another glass of wine, or maybe fetched a leaf to fan them with. But I should have known better.

Haelo stood from the chaise and approached me, caging me against Cadoc’s chest. I’d never felt so utterly small before. All oiled up, he smelled like roses as he leaned in, running his nose along the hollow of my throat and over the curve of my shoulder. He breathed me in and I shivered as his breath washed over me.

I refused to look away or give in to this dominance he wanted over me. “Let’s see what makes you so valuable then,” he said smoothly. His eyes dipped to my lips.

"Why don't we then."

I only gave it half a thought before I dropped to my knees, Cadoc’s smoke rope loosening, but not letting me go. I was level with Haelo’s hard cock. Looking up, I found him staring down at me with next to no emotion visible on his beautiful face. Something inside me raged at that. So, I didn’t waste a moment before taking his length in my palm and bringing him to my lips.
