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Ihad worked with Hunter yesterday, and things had gone well. In fact, things had felt good; like we were friends again. We had shown up to work around the same time, and Hunter had even suggested that we ride share on the evenings that we worked together. We had talked about how Baron was trying to hook up with Jessica, and how Jessica might actually be right up his alley. It’d been a good night, and I had even chitchatted with a couple of people that I had recognized from a few of my classes.

However, today was a different story.

I could barely look at Hunter, and by the way that he kept eyeing me, he knew that something was up. Nevertheless, I was going to have to find a way to ditch our talk after work because I could feel myself close to having a goddamn heart attack.

When I’d woken up this morning, it should have been to my period. In fact, I should have woken up to it yesterday. Since the beginning of dawn-or my thirteenth birthday-my period had always been regular, ruining my life once a month like clockwork. I had always been painfully regular, and as much as I wanted to blame my lateness on stress, deep down, I knew better.

My mind was going crazy with the possibility, and who in the hell got pregnant their first time having sex?

No one.

That was the answer.

No one.

Yeah, biology could argue against that fact, but still.

Then there was the insane amount of stupidity on top of the possibility of being pregnant. I’d been so wrapped up in my attraction to Hunter, and the fact of it being my first time, that I hadn’t even given any thought to insisting on protection. It also hammered home the fact that Hunter must have been drunker than I’d originally believed for him not to have used any. When I’d woken up the next morning, I honestly hadn’t given any thought to the mess between my legs apart from needing a shower.

I wanted to cry.

No matter what, I wasn’t a stupid girl. I’d taken biology in high school just like everyone else, and I knew how a woman’s body worked. In addition to knowing that nothing was foolproof, I also knew what ovu-fucking-lation was, so there was no excuse for letting Hunter have sex with me unprotected so close to my period. Hell, I shouldn’t be lettinganyguy have sex with me unprotected at all, no matter when my period was due. If nothing else, STDs were not the business.

Now, if the worst were to happen, it would change my entire life, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world for me. Luckily for me, I had great parents, and I knew that I would always have Kenzlee in my corner. Yeah, I might have to put school off for a few years, but there’d been a countless number of single mothers that had come before me, making their dreams come true and still raising a child while young. In fact, there were probably a few of those young mothers on campus right now, and I wasn’t too proud to ask for help or sacrifice to do what needed to be done.

The biggest issue that I had now was Hunter. Not only had I already taken advantage of him while he’d been drinking, but I might have gone and gotten pregnant from one freakin’ night together. Yeah, everyone could argue that he was just as much to blame as I was for this mess, but at the end of it all,Iwas responsible for my body and health. I never should have thrown myself at Hunter, and I definitely never should have had unprotected sex with him.

Unfortunately, Hunter was a good guy. While that would normally be a point in favor of his character, it wasn’t in this particular case. There was no way that Hunter Finley would let me do this on my own, and I’d honestly rather do this alone than allow guilt to ruin his life. He’d be a nineteen-year-old father, and he was already doing everything that he could to get by. Hunter was the type of guy that would drop out of school to work three jobs just to put food on the table for his child or children, and he was also the type of guy that would feel like he’d need to pay Kenzlee back for the wasted tuition money.

I also realized that I might be panicking over nothing. I had no idea if I was really pregnant or not, and a couple of days late shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Maybe my body was just adjusting to losing my virginity. I mean, I didn’t know if that was a real thing or not, but it could be. My body had experienced something big, and between that and the stress of all the guilt that I was carrying, maybe I was just late because my body was going through some things.

I could feel a headache coming on with everything that I didn’t know and everything that could be happening. If I was pregnant, would it even show up on a test this early? I mean, how reliable were those store-bought tests anyway? Plus, it wasn’t like I could avoid Hunter for a month until Ireallymissed my period. I didn’t know what to do, and I could only pray that I’d be thinking straight later, after I panicked.

“Hey, are you doing okay?”

I looked up from restocking the counter to see Jersey eyeing me carefully. The Tomes provided pens, pencils, calculators, etc. for anyone that might need those kinds of supplies, and since Jersey didn’t care about the cost of the little things, we were constantly restocking the little help-yourself trays.

“Who? Me?”

Jersey arched a brow. “Uh…yeah. You.”

Because my misery was probably written all over my face, I said, “I can feel a headache beginning in the back of my eyes.”

Her face immediately softened. “Oh, those are the worst.”

I nodded like an idiot. “Yeah, they can be.”

“Well, I have some aspirin in my office. I can go grab you some,” she offered.

“Thanks,” I muttered, trying to give her my best smile.

I waited patiently in my lie until Jersey came back with some aspirin, and maybe it wasn’t a lie. I could really feel a headache coming on, though it wasn’t as bad as I was letting on just yet. The coward in me hoped that Jersey would take pity on me and send me home early, but even if she did, I wouldn’t do it. This was my first week of work, and I was not about to come off as unreliable when I needed this job.

When she reappeared with my aspirin, I gave her a grateful smile. “Thank you.”

“No problem,” she replied kindly as she handed me the pills. “The only thing worse than a headache is being on your period.”

I wisely kept my mouth shut as I swallowed the pills.
