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Iwatched as Jersey gave Alexandria some pills, and while it bothered me that she might be feeling unwell, itreallybothered me that we might not get to talk after work because she wasn’t feeling up to it. I didn’t feel comfortable putting our talk off any longer, but how much of a dick would I be if I forced her to talk when she was feeling sick?

I let out an irritated sigh as I rotated the box of earbuds out. I really felt like we couldn’t put our talk off much longer, but what choice did I have? Honestly, if she didn’t look so pale, I’d accuse her of faking it just to get out of having to talk to me. Even though I really had no reason to believe that she’d do such a thing, I was beginning to feel paranoid where Alexandria was concerned. With each passing day, it was like Friday night had never happened, and I refused to let what happened fade off into a distant memory. I had taken the girl’s goddamn virginity and that should count for something. Alex shouldwantto talk about it, right? Didn’t girls like to dissect that kind of stuff?

“Fuck,” I hissed.

“Everything okay?” I turned at the sound of Cannon’s voice. “That sounded like a very serious fuck.”

I cracked my neck as I set another box down on the shelf. “Just a lot on my mind,” I semi-lied.

Cannon regarded me carefully. “Really?” I eyed him back. “I thought you might be upset about the guy that’d been hitting on Alex earlier.”

My entire back snapped straight. “What? What guy?”

The asshole smirked as he said, “I’m lying. There’s no guy.”

“What the fuck, Cannon?” I replied exasperated.

“Jersey mentioned that there might be a little something between you and Alex, so I was just being nosey and feeling you out man,” he chuckled.

“That’s not fucking funny.”

Even though he still had a grin on his face, he said, “No, it’s not. I’d be pissed if someone mentioned some guy flirting with Jersey.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, well…as long as you understand,” I drawled out sardonically.

“So, what’s the deal?” he asked, not caring that it really wasn’t any of his business. “Jersey said that you guys are childhood friends or something.”

“We grew up in the same town together,” I confirmed.

“And when did it become more?”

I cocked my head as I folded my arms over my chest. “And why do you care?”

“Because this is my girl’s shop, and she believes in what she does here,” he answered easily. “As much as I think that you’re good people, I don’t need you causing problems at the shop because guys are hitting on your girl.” I opened my mouth to argue, but Cannon threw his hand up to stop me. “Alexandria is a very beautiful girl, Hunter. Guys are going to hit on her here, whether you like it or not. Is that going to be a problem for you?”

“Not as long as they take no for an answer,” I replied, half-ass lying.

“Is there any reason why shewouldn’tsay no?” he posed.

I dropped my arms at my sides, but not before running one hand through my hair. “It’s…uh, complicated.”

“No, it’s not,” he argued. “It’s never as complicated as we make it out to be. Either you’re with her or you’re not, Hunter. Decide before shit gets messy.”

“We haven’t had a chance to discuss the details of what we’re doing,” I semi-lied again. “We were supposed to talk tonight, but I don’t think that she’s feeling well.”

He immediately looked concerned. “Yeah, I saw Jersey giving her some aspirin earlier. I guess she’s got a pretty bad headache coming on.”


“Well, when I’m done in here, I’m going to go check on her,” I informed him. “Hopefully, the aspirin helps, and then we can talk.”

Cannon clapped me on the shoulder. “Good luck, man.”

“Do I need it?”
