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“Is everything okay over there, Finley?” Coached asked, eyeing me like he knew that young men were more trouble than they were worth.

“Everything is just fine, Coach.”

“You’re lying,” he said, and Dillon started coughing next to me. “Use it on the field. I don’t care if you’re only here for fun.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Coach, may I?”

Coach Savannah looked over at Hector. “What is it, Montez?”

“If Finley uses it on the field, he’s liable to kill one of us.”

“He’s not lying,” Wes muttered under his breath.

“Don’t kill anyone, Finley,” Coach Savannah instructed, not seeming too concerned.

“I’ll do my best,” I semi-lied.

Coach started barking out orders, and while I should be listening to him, I couldn’t help but look back over at Edie sitting in the stands. She was staring down at her lap, her laptop open, and I’d bet my left nut that she was doing her homework. Most girls would be on their phones, scrolling through whatever social media was their favorite, but not Edie.

Nope, not Edie.

Like she could feel my eyes on her, her head snapped up, and even though it was impossible to see it from this distance, I knew that she was scowling at me, just biding her time until she could light into me. For all that Edie Draven was a sweet girl, she wasn’t afraid to stand up for herself, something that we had all taught her from an early age.

I turned back towards the coach, doing my best to forget the girl in the stands for an hour.



Iwas fuming.

Absolutely. Fuming.

Even though I’d already heard all about Danny Mason’s interest in me, he hadn’t said or done anything inappropriate while speaking to me. I’d been sitting on the bleachers, prepared to get an early start on my homework, when he had walked up, simply saying hello. He had asked me about Talon and if it felt weird not having him here with me, and he’d been the first person to ask me that. I had appreciated how he hadn’t shied away from how close my brother and I were.

After we’d spoken a little bit about me, I had asked him about basketball, and he’d been more than happy to talk about it. Passionate about the sport, he had given me all his predictions for this school year and had even asked me if I’d ever watched a game before.

It’d been nice.

It’d been nice to finally talk to a guy that might be interested in me without Talon’s wrath waiting in the wings. Though I wasn’t particularly interested in Danny Mason, I needed to learn how to flirt somehow. Thinking back on my entire life, I couldn’t recount a single time when I had flirted with a guy or could even recognize that a guy might have flirted with me first. Knowing how Talon was, I hadn’t ever wanted to put an innocent guy in his overprotective path, so I’d always been nothing but friendly and kind with guys.

So, yeah, it’d been nice to talk to Danny.

Of course, that’d all been before Lars had shown up, acting like a complete asshole.

The most frustrating part was that I understood where Lars was coming from, I really did. Honestly, considering his loyalty to Talon, I should have seen this coming. The Finleys had always treated me like the little sister that they’d never had, so I really shouldn’t be this surprised. Nonetheless, I was still pissed because Lars was overstepping big time. In fact, he was acting worse than I could ever remember Talon acting. Granted, Talon hadn’t had to act insane to get his point across.

When I heard the sounds of testosterone-fueled teenage guys, I turned my head to see all the football players making their way to the student parking lot. As soon as practice had wrapped up, Lars had shouted at me that he’d meet me by the car, and that was all that he’d said to me, pissing me off more. So, for the past ten minutes, I’d been standing next to the car, rehearsing everything that I wanted to say to the dingus that was already ruining my senior year.

The second that Lars was within earshot, I let him have it. “What in the hell is your problem, Finley?”

Not missing a beat, he said, “All these motherfuckers thinking that you’re fair game just because Talon’s gone, Draven.”

“It’s none of your business who I date,” I proclaimed, ignoring how the rest of the team slowed down to get an earful.

Lars stopped walking when he was standing right in front of me. “That’s where you’re wrong.”
